Arbeitsblatt: New Zealand Quiz


Multiple Choice Quiz in Englisch zum Thema New Zealand
Anderes Thema
2 Seiten




chipmunk (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

New Zealand Quiz 1. The population of New Zealand is roughly: a) 2 million b) 4 million c) 6 million d) 12 million 2. What city is New Zealands capital? a) Auckland b) Wellington c) Dunedin d) Christchurch 3. Which New Zealander was the first to climb Mount Everest? a) Sir Edmund Hilary b) Sir William Birch c) Sir Richard Hadlee d) Sherpa Tenzing 4. In which New Zealand city would you find the Sky Tower? a) Wellington b) Rotorua c) Dunedin d) Auckland 5. Aotearoa is the maori name for New Zealand; what does it mean? a) land of the gods b) small land with many sheep c) land of the long white cloud d) southern land with much rain 6. What do the maori people say to greet each other (say ‘hello)? a) kao tui b) kia ora c) ora kuai d) kia una 7. What is New Zealands national sport? a) cricket b) soccer c) rugby d) baseball 8. Whats New Zealands biggest city? a) Wellington b) Christchurch c) Auckland d) Dunedin 9. Whats New Zealands highest mountain? a) Mount Cook b) Mount Kinley c) Mount Ruapehu d) Mount Rushmore 10. Whats New Zealands national symbol? a) moa b) eagle c) kiwi d) sheep 11. Whos the filmmaker of ‘Lord of the Rings? a) Jack Peterson b) Peter Novak c) Jack Nicholson d) Peter Jackson 12. Which New Zealand reptile is the worlds oldest animal? a) Tuatara b) Komodo Dragon c) New Zealand Alligator d) King Cobra