Arbeitsblatt: Test Young World 3 Unit 3


Hören, Lesen, Schreiben, Sprachwissen
5. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Alexandra Rohner
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Test Young World 3 Unit 3: Help! Name: Date: 02.03.12 Mark: Points (37): 1.1. Hören 2. Cathy telefoniert gerade mit Sandra. Hör dir den Bericht gut an. 3. Kreuze die richtigen Antworten an. Es können mehrere Antworten richtig sein. Beantworte die untenstehenden Fragen in Stichworten. The accident has been behind Cathys house. in front of Cathys house. in front of Sandras house. The accident happened, because the cyclist couldnt stop and crashed into the Ferrari. the driver was driving too fast and couldnt stop. the driver was distracted and crashed into the cyclist. /6 The driver. has scratches and bumps everywhere. hasnt been injured. has not seen the cyclist. The cyclist has broken leg. is dead. is paralysed. Was the friend with the baby woman or man? Why has the cyclist not been injured worse? 2. Lesen Welcher Text gehört zu welchem Bild? Verbinde die Texte durch eine Linie mit dem passenden Bild! Nummeriere die Texte in der richtigen Reihenfolge!   Dont tie the strings too tightly. You should be Do not move the broken leg. Put the wood, plastic or folded cardboard above and below the broken part of the leg. Look for two stiff objects like plastic, wood or able to slip your finger under it. even folded cardboard. They should have the same length. Now look for strings or belt. You can also tear clothes into strips. Tie the objects to the leg with the strips /7.5 3. Schreiben Schau dir die beiden Polizeiwagen genau an. Wo sind die Unterschiede? Schreibe 5 Sätze mit unterschiedlichen Adjektiven, in denen du die beiden vergleichst. Ford Crown Horse power Length Weight Max. speed Engine size 250 PS 5.38 1870 kg 200 km/h 4601 ccm /6 Volkswagen Horse power Length Weight Max. speed Engine size 102 PS 4.70 2550 kg 188 km/h 2461 ccm You can use these adjectives: powerful, long, heavy, fast, large 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. Sprachwissen Setze die Adjektive in die verschiedenen Vergleichsformen. Achte auf die Rechtschreibung! old funny important good bad /5 5. Lesen /Schreiben Lies den Text genau durch und vergleiche ihn mit dem Bild. a) Unterstreiche alle Vergleiche im Text! b) Im Text sind drei Dinge nicht so aufgeschrieben, wie sie im Bild gezeichnet sind. Unterstreiche die 3 Sätze im Text mit roter Farbe! c) Schreibe die 3 Sätze korrekt auf die Linien! /3.5 /3 Tom is showing his friend Peter his new bicycle. Tom is wearing striped T-Shirt and has longer hair than Peter. Tom hopes that he can cycle faster than his friend with his new bike. His bike has bigger wheels than Peters and his tyres are thicker. But Peters bell sounds much louder. Peters bike has got no lamp. The handlebars of Toms bicycle are thinner than the ones of his friend. Toms saddle is smaller than Peters. They want to go and try out the bicycle this afternoon. They want to go to the lake and go swimming. Lets hope, the weather gets better than yesterday. Yesterday it was cool and raining. But today, the sun is shining and there are no clouds at all. 1. 2. 3. 6. Lesen /Schreiben Lies die Texte durch a) schreibe ein passendes Verbot dazu. b) Zeichne eine Verbotstafel /6 You cannot ride with your bicycle here. a) Dont cycle! b) In this shop you are not allowed to bring your dog in. a) b) This water might be polluted. It is not safe to drink this water. a) b) It has not rained for long time. a) It is forbidden to make fire because it is so dry. b) English Test Young World 3 Unit 3: Help! Name: LÖSUNG Date: 02.02.12 Mark: Points (37): 1.4. Hören 5. Cathy telefoniert gerade mit Sandra. Hör dir den Bericht gut an. 6. Kreuze die richtigen Antworten an. Es können mehrere Antworten richtig sein. Beantworte die untenstehenden Fragen in Stichworten. /6 Hello Sandra! You wont believe what has just happened! There has been an accident just in front of our house! There was cyclist riding on the main road. Coming from the church road there was red Ferrari. Its driver was distracted by good friend who was walking down the road with her baby. So he has not seen the cyclist and crashed right into him. You should see his once beautiful car now! Scratches and bumps everywhere! The driver has not been injured at all. Thats not really fair. Thank God, the cyclist was wearing helmet! He has only broken leg, so he was lucky. It could have been lot worse! He could be paralysed or even dead! After the accident there were lot of people watching, so the ambulance couldnt get trough for while. So have helped the cyclist with the broken leg. What luck that we just learned that at school! ý ý The accident has been behind Cathys house. in front of Cathys house. in front of Sandras house. The accident happened, because the cyclist couldnt stop and crashed into the Ferrari. the driver was driving too fast and couldnt stop. the driver was distracted and crashed into the cyclist. ý ý ý The driver. has scratches and bumps everywhere. hasnt been injured. has not seen the cyclist. The cyclist has broken leg. is dead. is paralysed. Was the friend with the baby woman or man? Woman Why has the cyclist not been injured worse? He wore helmet. 2. Lesen Welcher Text gehört zu welchem Bild? Verbinde die Texte durch eine Linie mit dem passenden Bild! Nummeriere die Texte in der richtigen Reihenfolge! /7.5 *5   Dont  tie  the  strings  too  tightly.  You  should  be     able  to  slip  your  finger  under  it.     *1   Do  not  move  the  broken  leg.   *3   Put  the  wood,  plastic  or  folded  cardboard  above   and  below  the  broken  part  of  the  leg.   *2   Look  for  two  stiff  objects  like  plastic,  wood  or     even  folded  cardboard.  They  should  have  the     same  length.   *4   Now  look  for  strings  or  a  belt.  You  can  also  tear   clothes  into  strips.  Tie  the  objects  to  the  leg   with  the  strips   3. Schreiben Schau dir die beiden Polizeiwagen genau an. Wo sind die Unterschiede? Schreibe 5 Sätze mit unterschiedlichen Adjektiven, in denen du die beiden vergleichst. Ford Crown Horse power Length Weight Max. speed Engine size 250 PS 5.38 1870 kg 200 km/h 4601 ccm Volkswagen Horse power Length Weight Max. speed Engine size 102 PS 4.70 2550 kg 188 km/h 2461 ccm You can use these adjectives: powerful, long, heavy, fast, large /6 1. more powerful 2. longer 3. heavier 4. faster 5. larger 4. Sprachwissen Setze die Adjektive in die verschiedenen Vergleichsformen. Achte auf die Rechtschreibung! old older the oldest funny funnier the funniest important more important the most important good better the best bad worse the worst 5. Lesen /Schreiben Lies den Text genau durch und vergleiche ihn mit dem Bild. d) Unterstreiche alle Vergleiche im Text! e) Im Text sind drei Dinge nicht so aufgeschrieben, wie sie im Bild gezeichnet sind. Unterstreiche die 3 Sätze im Text mit roter Farbe! f) Schreibe die 3 Sätze korrekt auf die Linien! /5 /3.5 /3 Tom is showing his friend Peter his new bicycle. Tom is wearing striped T-Shirt and has longer hair than Peter. Tom hopes that he can cycle faster than his friend with his new bike. His bike has bigger wheels than Peters and his tyres are thicker. But Peters bell sounds much louder. Peters bike has got no lamp. The handlebars of Toms bicycle are thinner than the ones of his friend. Toms saddle is smaller than Peters. They want to go and try out the bicycle this afternoon. They want to go to the lake and go swimming. Lets hope, the weather gets better than yesterday. Yesterday it was cool and raining. But today, the sun is shining and there are no clouds at all. 1. Peters bike has lamp. 2. The handlebars of Peters bicycle are thinner than . The handlebars of Toms bicycle are thicker than. 3. .and there are clouds. 6. Lesen /Schreiben Lies die Texte durch c) schreibe ein passendes Verbot dazu. d) Zeichne eine Verbotstafel /6 You cannot ride with your bicycle here. a) Dont cycle! b) In this shop you are not allowed to bring your dog in. a) Dont bring your dog in! b) This water might be polluted. It is not safe to drink this water. a) Dont drink the water! b) It has not rained for long time. a) Dont make fire! It is forbidden to make fire because it is so dry. b)