Arbeitsblatt: Modal verbs Übung


Die richtigen modal verbs einfüllen in engl. Sätze. Inkl. Lösung
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




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Fill in the missing modal verbs. Example: Read this book! You must read this book. Maybe she will return tonight. – She return tonight. Dont stand up! You stand up! Im sure they will finish it in minute. They finish it in minute. There is no need to answer the letter. Youanswer the letter. Please, do it for me. you do it for me? Id like to see your children. see your children? am not good at football. I play football. Do your homework! You do your homework. Let take taxi. We take taxi. Excuse me! you speak French? Alan isnt coming tonight. He come tomorrow, hope. There lot of work to do in the house. You help me! You call him anymore. have already called him. She is over there. you see her? Solution: Maybe she will return tonight. She return tonight. Right: may can Dont stand up! You stand up! Right: must not need not dont have to Im sure they will finish it in minute. They finish it in minute. Right: must have to There is no need to answer the letter. You answer the letter. Right: need not dont have to Please, do it for me. you do it for me? Right: Can Id like to see your children. see your children? Right: Can May am not good at football. I play football. Right: cannot cant Do your homework! – You do your homework. Right: must have to Let take taxi. We take taxi. Right: can Excuse me! you speak French? Right: Can Alan isnt coming tonight. He come tomorrow, hope. Right: may can There lot of work to do in the house. You help me! Right: must You call him anymore. have already called him. Right: need not She is over there. you see her? Right: Can