Arbeitsblatt: Long Tunnel
Aufgaben in den Bereichen Lesen und Hören, zur Short Story \\
Lesen / Literatur
8. Schuljahr
11 Seiten
Nadja Loacker
Land: andere Länder
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Short Story: „The Long Tunnel John Milne: The Long Tunnel Chapter One: „Holiday Plans 1) Wie heissen die drei Studenten und wie alt sind sie? 2) In welchem Prüfungsjahr befindet sich Sheila? 3) Sprechen sie jetzt über die bevorstehenden Prüfungen? Wenn nein, über was dann? 4) Wohin geht Paul in die Ferien und für wie lange? 5) Nach der Prüfung sitzen die drei in einem Kaffee und sprechen wieder über ihre Ferienpläne. Wie beschreibt Paul das Cottage? 6) Mit welchem Zug (Datum und Zeit) würden die beiden ankommen und wie heisst die Ankunftsstation? 7) Mit welchem Hilfsmittel erklärt Paul den anderen den Weg vom Bahnhof zum Cottage? 8) Werden Sheila und Charles auf sich alleine gestellt sein, wenn sie dort am Bahnhof ankommen? Seite 1 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel 9) Am besagten Tag kamen Sheila und Charles am Bahnhof an. Schreibe einen möglichen Dialog auf, mit Hilfe der gehörten Informationen. Seite 2 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Seite 3 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Chapter 2: „A Stranger at the Door Charles has diary. He really likes writing and so he writes every Sunday evening what happened the week before. Read chapter two carefully without looking the words up in dictionary. Afterwards you write in Charles diary what happened on the fifth of August in your own words! (ganze Sätze) 5. August: Seite 4 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Chapter 3: (Listening) „Paul is Here Wie wird der Mann, welcher die Türe des Cottages öffnet, bezeichnet, beschrieben? Mit welchen Worten verjagt er Charles und Sheila? Was findet Sheila unter dem Busch? Charles und Sheila kommen zu einem alten Gebäude, was hören sie? Lies das Kapitel 3 in deinen Unterlagen nach und schreibe 10 Wörter oder Satzfragmente auf. Übersetzte sie und lerne sie auswendig. Bilde mit jedem Wort einen neuen Satz in einem anderen Kontext. Seite 5 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Seite 6 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Chapter 4 „Whats Happenning? Which one is right? man hurried up the street and knocked at the door. man hurried up the street and knocked at window. man hurried up the lane and knocked at the door. Bill has phoned from London hes put sleeping pills in the police officers coffee. Phill has phoned from London hes put sleeping pills in the guards coffee. Bill has phoned from London hes put sleeping pills in the guards coffee. They will leave Paul upstairs in the bedroom. They will leave Paul and his uncle upstairs in the bedroom. They will leave Paul downstairs in the bathroom. They will leave Paul upstairs in the bathroom. Charles will climb up onto the top of the porch and then get in through window. Sheila will climb up onto the top of the porch and then get in through balcony. Sheila will climb up onto the top of the porch and then get in through window. In the dark room Paul was lying on the ground floor. In the bright room Paul was lying on bed. In the dark room Paul was lying on bed. Seite 7 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel The two men are going to rob train tomorrow. The two men are going to rob train station tonight. The two men are going to steal money this night. The two men are going to rob train this night. The bags are full of counterfeit money. The bags are full of paper. The bags are full of leaves. The bags are full of green paper. Charles should run down and phone the police and Sheila and Paul are going to to put heavy boxes over the shaft. Charles should run down and phone his uncle and Sheila and Paul are going to to put heavy boxes over the shaft. Charles should drive down and phone the police and Sheila and Paul are going to to put heavy boxes over the shaft. Charles should run down and phone the police and Sheila and Paul are going to to put heavy stones over the shaft. Maximal points: 8 Reached points: Mark: Change your answer sheet with your neighbours one. Read this chapter and correct your neighbours answers with red pencil! For each correct answer you will get one point, for each wrong answer you lose one point. Seite 8 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Chapter 5: „The Robbery True or False? Write (true) or (false). 1) The train from Bristol was in the long tunnel 2) The signal in the tunnel was usually red. 3) Frank quickly climbed up and looked inside, the guard was sleeping. 4) They had lot of time, because the guard was sleeping deeply. 5) The second of Franks men reached the top of the shaft and realised that they were trapped. Chapter 6: Write in your own words an end of the story. Create title for the last chapter. (About 400 words!) Seite 9 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Read the end and write short summary in German of it! Seite 10 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Vocabulary necessary: Chapter 1: examination; to lie (liegen); hall; grass; cottage, wallet; electricity; arrangements; railway station; to draw; tunnel; above; diary; map; dont worry; Chapter 2: stranger; the counter Ladentisch; soldier Soldat; to forget; to visit; to load; lorry; guard; to reply; probably; government; to destroy; to print; to use; crossroads; to point; signpost Wegweiser; narrow lane; woods; branches; to grow; curtains; to be silly albern, to knock; silence; Chapter 3: to belong to; visitors; to turn away; bush; surpise; an old building; Chapter 4: dark; quietly; darkness; to hurry; sleeping pills, guard; upstairs, downstairs; to be far from; to whisper; prisoner; to carry; porch Vordach; to reach up; loud noise; carefully; to be tied up verschnürt sein; tightly straff, fest; gag Knebel; to take off; ropes Seile; to rob; shaft Schacht; to escape; untied; counterfeit money Falschgeld; leaves; Chapter 5: mate Kamerad; unusual; to slow down; bend Kurve; van; to reply; at the bottom; to climb; to throw; to carry; to follow; towards; iron cover (Eisen.); to pull over; the cover; to hit; below; to be trapped; deep Seite 11 Short Story: „The Long Tunnel Chapter 6: to move; to jump; to arrest; the leader; to spend; dangerous; to turn off; to pick up; to put down; Seite 12