Arbeitsblatt: YW 3, Unit 4, An accident
Pupil's Book, p 24, task 1
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Alexandra Nussbaumer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
An accident You have heard Pat and Tom. Now find the answers to these questions. That true. That false. Pat was scout when she was girl. dont Correction of the wrong sentences. know. There are about eight girl scouts on the road. Tom thinks the girl with the mobile is cool. Pat and Tom are on their way home. There is not much traffic on the road. Pat gets the breakdown triangle from the back of the car. Tom calls his mum on the mobile phone. An accident You have heard Pat and Tom. Now find the answers to these questions. That true. Pat was scout when she was girl. That false. dont Correction of the wrong sentences. know. There are about eight girl scouts on the road. Tom thinks the girl with the mobile is cool. Pat and Tom are on their way home. There is not much traffic on the road. Pat gets the breakdown triangle from the back of the car. Tom calls his mum on the mobile phone.