Arbeitsblatt: Song June Afternoon by Roxette


song lyrics and two tasks
Gemischte Themen
1 Seiten




René Obertüfer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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June Afternoon (Roxette) Didnt tell you everything is possible in this deja vu? Try the river boat, the carousel, feed the pigeons, Bar-B-Q. Look at all the people, happy faces all around. Smiling, throwing kisses, busy making lazy sounds It bright June afternoon, it never gets dark. Wah-wah! Here comes the sun. Get your green, green tambourine, let play in the park. Wah-wah! Here comes the sun Some folks are on blankets, slowly daydreaming and reaching for their food. Let go buy an ice cream and magazine with an attitude and put on cassette, we can pretend that youre star because life so very simple just like la-la-la It bright June afternoon. There painter painting his masterpiece. There are some squirrels jumping in the trees, There wide-eyed boy with red balloon. All my life Ive longed for this afternoon. Find words for these pictures in the song. What is the song about? Write four sentences.