Arbeitsblatt: Dear Mr President - Pink


Aufgaben zur Arbeit mit dem Lied Dear Mr President von Pink
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Angela Schmitz
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Listening: Dear Mister President Pink Level Pre Task: 1) Imagine you could meet the American President. What questions would you like to ask him? Write down tree questions. 2) If you were president of any country, what would you change or do first? Write down two points. While Task: 1) While listening, try to fill in the missing words into the first part of the song text. Dear Mr. President, Come take with me. Let pretend were just two and youre not better than me. Id like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly. What do you when you see all the homeless on the street? Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you ? How do you while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when has no chance to say goodbye? How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even me in the eye. And tell me why? Dear Mr. President, were you lonely boy? Are you lonely boy? Are you lonely boy? How can you say No is left behind? Were not dumb and were not blind. Theyre all sitting in your cells while you pave the road to hell. Post Task: 1) What is the general problem described in the song? 2) What is the message of the songwriter to the president? 3) Write down three questions that the songwriter asks the president. 4) Which are the troubles the people suffer from? Answer in short phrases or key words.