Arbeitsblatt: Present continuous 5. Klasse


Wörtertest und Sätze zum Present c.
5. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Beatrice Deubelbeiss
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EnglishTest Name Unit 4 Punkte 1. 18 points wütend rufen, anrufen schliessen sauber der Engländer wissen vielleicht weglegen Schulfach unüblich die Glocke warten 13 May 2013 Note Unterschrift Eltern die Turnhalle die Bibliothek weinen schneiden Erkläre die folgenden Abkürzungen: I.T. P.E._ 3. Write the present continous for these verbs! 6 points) sing_ run_ swim cry watch give_ 4. Schreibe das present continuous wie verlangt normaler Satz, Verneinung, Fragesatz) 6 points) 1. She (watch TV) 2. He (listen to music)_ 3. You (wait for us)_ 4. We (draw)_ 5. They (play chess)_ 6. I eat fish) 5. Match the questions with the answers! 7 points) Are you listening? Shes sitting in the garden. Is your teacher coming? Emma. She loves music. Is Peter doing his work? Yes, she is. Are they playing badminton? Yes, am. Who is playing the piano They are drawing. Where is Holly No, he isnt. What are they doing No, they arent. 6. Gib kurze Antworten wie verlangt! Is Ruben watching television? 6 points) No,_ Is Mrs Brown speaking in French? No, Are Eve and Lara having lunch? Yes, Is Peter having music lesson? Yes, Are Patrick and Peter writing? No, Is Emma sleeping? Yes,_ 7. What do you say in the these situations? The window is open. You want to close it. 6 points) You are in class. You want to go to the toilet. You are sitting at the table. You want butter für your bread.