Arbeitsblatt: open world Unit 2: Skyscrapers


Song skyscryper
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Sabine Burkhardt
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Worksheet No. Unit 2 Design matters This belongs to Listen to the song while you fill in the gaps Guess the title of the song. (Joe Jonas) original: Demi Lovato Skies are amcatching teardrops in my Only silence, as it ending, like we never had Do you have to make me like there left of me? You can take everything have You can break everything am Like Im made of Like Im made of Go on and try to tear me will be from the_ Like a_ Like As the smoke clears awaken and untangle you from me Would it make you feel better to watch me as? All mystill are broken but Im standing on my You can take everything have You can break everything am Like Im made of Like Im made of_ Go on and try to tear me will be from the Worksheet No. Unit 2 Design matters This belongs to Like Like a_ Go run run run Im gonna right Watch you disappear Yeah Go run run run Yeah it but Im up here