Arbeitsblatt: Vorlagen für Lernkärtchen Informatik


Informatik Grundlagen
Anderes Thema
12. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Michael Weber
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Frage;Antwort;Antworttyp ADSL;Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, Variante von DSL;text ASCII;American Standard Code for Information Interchange (amerikanische Standardkodierung für den Informationsaustausch);text AV;Anti-Virus;text AVI;Audio Video Interleave;text B2A;Business-To-Administration;text B2B;Business-to-Business;text B2C;Business-to-Consumer;text B2D;Backup-to-Disk Datensicherung auf Festplatte im Gegensatz zu Backup-toTape;text B2T;Backup-to-Tape Datensicherung auf ein Bandmedium wie DAT, DLT, LTO, .;text BCC;Blind Carbon Copy (dt. Blindkopie, Feld im Kopf einer E-Mail, das zusätzliche Adressaten enthält, die aber nicht den anderen Adressaten mitgeteilt werden) oder;text BIOS;Basic Input Output System;text CAD;Computer-Aided Design (Computerunterstütztes Design);text CAE;Computer-aided engineering;text CAM;Computer-aided manufacturing;text CD-R;Compact Disc Recordable;text CD-ROM;Compact Disc Read-Only Memory;text CD-RW;Compact Disc ReWriteable;text CMYK;Cyan Magenta Yellow Key, siehe CMYK-Farbmodell;text CPU;Central Processing Unit;text DAT;Digital Audio Tape;text DAU;Dümmster anzunehmender User;text DB;Datenbank;text DBMS;Database management system;text DFÜ;Datenfernübertragung (engl.: DUN);text DHCP;Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol;text DHTML;Dynamic HTML, Kombination von Hypertext Markup Language und JavaScript;text DMZ;Demilitarized Zone (Demilitarisierte Zone);text DOS;Disk Operating System oder Denial of Service (DoS);text dpi;Dots per Inch;text DSL;Digital Subscriber Line ;text DVD;Digital Versatile Disc;text DVI;Digital Visual Interface;text EDI;Electronic Data Interchange;text EVA;Eingabe Verarbeitung Ausgabe (EVA-Prinzip);text FAQ;Frequently Asked Questions;text FAT;File Allocation Table;text FLOP;Floating Point Operation (Gleitkommaoperation);text FLOPS;Floating Point Operations per Second;text FTP;File Transfer Protocol;text GAN;Global Area Network;text GIF;Graphics Interchange Format;text GSM;Global System for Mobile Communications;text GUI;Graphical User Interface;text HAL;Hardware Abstraction Layer;text HD;Hard Disk;text HDD;Hard Disk Drive;text HDMI;High Definition Multimedia Interface;text HDTV;High Definition Television;text HMA;High Memory Area;text HTML;Hypertext Markup Language;text HTTP;Hypertext Transfer Protocol;text HTTPS;Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure;text ICANN;Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers;text IEEE;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers;text IMAP;Internet Message Access Protocol;text IP;Internet Protocol;text ISDN;Integrated Services Digital Network;text ISO;Internationale Organisation für Normung;text ISP;Internet Service Provider;text JPEG;Joint Photographic Experts Group;text JRE;Java Runtime Environment;text JSF;JavaServer Faces;text JSP;JavaServer Pages;text JSR;Java Specification Request;text JVM;Java Virtual Machine;text LAN;Local Area Network;text LED;Light Emitting Diode;text MAN;Metropolitan Area Network;text MP3;MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3;text MP4;MPEG-4;text MPEG;Moving Picture Experts Group;text MSN;Microsoft Network oder;text NAS;Network Attached Storage;text OCR;Optical Character Recognition;text ODBC;Open DataBase Connectivity;text OEM;Original Equipment Manufacturer;text OLE;Object Linking and Embedding;text OSI;OSI-Modell Schichtenmodell bei Datenübertragung;text P2P;Peer-to-Peer;text PC;Personal Computer oder;text PCA;Programmable Counter Array;text PDA;Personal Digital Assistant;text PDF;Portable Document Format;text PNG;Portable Network Graphics;text PnP;Plug and Play;text RAID;Redundant Array of Independent Disks, ursprünglich Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks;text RAM;Random Access Memory;text RGB;Red Green Blue (Rot Grün Blau);text ROM;Read Only Memory;text RSS;Really Simple Syndication;text SSID;Service Set Identifier;text SSL;Secure Sockets Layer oder;text TCP;Transmission Control Protocol;text TCP/IP;Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol;text TFT;Thin Film Transistor;text TLD;Top-Level-Domain oder;text URL;Uniform Resource Locator;text USB;Universal Serial Bus;text USV;Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung;text UTF;Unicode Transformation Format;text VBA;Visual Basic for Applications;text VLAN;Virtual Local Area Network;text VoIP;Voice over IP;text VPN;Virtual Private Network;text VRAM;Video Random Access Memory;text W3C;World Wide Web Consortium;text WAN;Wide Area Network;text WAP;Wireless Application Protocol;text WISP;Wireless Internet Service Provider;text WLAN;Wireless Local Area Network (Kabelloses Lokales Netzwerk);text WWAN;Wireless Wide Area Network;text WWW;World Wide Web;text WXGA;Wide Extended Graphics Array;text WYSIWYG;What You See Is What You Get (sprich: wi-szi-wig) (deutsch: Was du siehst ist was du bekommst). Bezeichnung für graphische HTML-Editor und Textverarbeitungsprogramme, bei denen das gedruckte Ergebnis genau so aussieht wie auf dem Bildschirm;text RAM;Random Access Memory Arbeitsspeicher;text