Arbeitsblatt: YW 4 vocabulary unit 2
vocabulary cards unit 2
6. Schuljahr
6 Seiten
Marianne Drittenbass
Bergstrasse 66
8810 Horgen
8810 Horgen
044 770 15 40
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Young world 4, unit 2 Vocabulary trainer, p. 7 8 This small bird makes the longest of all animals. It flies all the way from the North, near the North Pole, down to the South Pole, and then back to the North, all in one year. journey returns Isnt that amazing Its name is artic tern This animals is not bird, and it does not make nest, but it like bird. lay eggs It swims to an and leaves them in in the sand. island, hole 1 Young world 4, unit 2 Vocabulary trainer, p. 7 8 The ones then have to swim back alone to get home. young This is very strange . breed habit This animal is called the . green turtle This bird is called the . barn swallow It is small bird you often see flying around in summer. It insects. catch(es) This bird catches insects with its while it is flying. beak 2 Young world 4, unit 2 Vocabulary trainer, p. 7 8 It makes its nest high up in . barn The is beautiful black and white bird with long legs and long neck. stork You can sometimes see it on house tops in the summer, but for the winter months it to Africa. migrate(s) Not many of these birds because they die on make it home the way. There are not many left so they are on the list now. endangered survive Many people help them to . ( stay alive) 3 Young world 4, unit 2 Vocabulary trainer, p. 7 8 Do you like this butterfly? Its name is . monarch butterfly The of this butterfly is only 20 grams weight Its is 10 cm. size life The of this butterfly is between 3 and 9 months. expectancy The maximum flying is 2900 kilometres. distance This summer went to my uncle and his children. visit 4 Young world 4, unit 2 Vocabulary trainer, p. 7 8 The children of my uncle or my aunt are also my cousins One of them is in my . We are both 13 years old. age When they always ask me to come back soon. leave The caterpillar will reach of 5 centimetres. length 5 Young world 4, unit 2 Vocabulary trainer, p. 7 8 6