Arbeitsblatt: NSE 2 Unit 8 Quick Test


Kurztest Unit 8
Gemischte Themen
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Marlen Hollenstein
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

QuickTest NonStop English 2 Unit 8 name: points scored: out of 20 mark: 1. Translate the sentences into English./5 a) Was meinst du, welcher Sport eignet sich für ältere Leute? . b) Welchen Sport würdest du gerne treiben? . c) Bist du sportbegeistert? . d) Welchen Sport siehst du dir gerne im Fernsehen an? . e) Was meinst du, welcher Sport ist sehr gefährlich? . 2. Will-future Turn the following sentences into the future simple./5 a) Was she at home yesterday? tomorrow? b) Did he meet him yesterday? tomorrow? c) He wasnt at school yesterday. tomorrow. d) They didnt finish the project yesterday. tomorrow. e) He was in Zurich yesterday. tomorrow. 3. Reported speech/4 Answer these 4 questions without mentioning (erwähnen) the names. a) Dont bite your nails! What did Peter tell his little sister to do? . b) Listen to me! What did Kate tell Pete to do? . c) Could you contact all the players by phone, please? What did Pete ask Jane to do? d) Stop doodling! What did Mr Brown tell Sandra and Ines to do? 4. Speculating about the future. /6 What do you think our village/town will look like in 2050? Write 6 sentences.