Arbeitsblatt: Inspiration 1 Unit 5 (3)


8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Brigitte Sutter
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test Unit 5 (3) Name: Points: Mark: Read the text. Complete 1–10 with A, or C. The weather in Australia is usually 1 than the weather in England. It is also 2 and the summer is 3. Because of this, Australia is more 4 for its wine. The grapes there grow big in the sunny weather, and Australian wine is usually 5 than English wine. But is the weather in Europe changing? And is change in the weather good news for English wine? Britain is hotter than before, but it is still more 6 to grow good grapes in England than in Australia. The English weather is 7 and 8 and this is not good for the grapes. But English wine is certainly getting more 9. And its not very 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 more difficult drier longer later good difficult rainier wind popular cheaper hotter earlier easier older bad easier rain windier worse better higher shorter colder famous better better more rain more wind short expensive Make comparisons. 1 football/volleyball (popular) 2 Eminem/Sting (famous) 3 History/geography (boring) 4 The weather in Switzerland/the weather in England (bad) 5 The girls/the boys (friendly) 6 Switzerland/France (big) Translate. 9 1 ruhiger 5 selbstbewusster 2 lustiger 6 ernst 3 der höchste 7 der beste 4 vorsichtiger 8 schlecht Das Meer ist höher als vor 100 Jahren. 10 Der Herbst beginnt später. 11 Verschränke deine Arme. 12 Das Wetter verändert sich. Write down full stop an exclamation mark hyphen capital letter brackets