Arbeitsblatt: Test Unit 1-5 NSE 2


Niveau h, inkl. Lösungen
9. Schuljahr
8 Seiten




Oliver Grawehr
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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h -1-1-1 English Unit 1 – 5 NSE 2 Past simple, used to, present perfect, look forward, possessive -Erst pronouns, how much how many, past simple must can ellt von Danu ser Sonj -1- Grammar Test Punkte: 53 Note: Name:. Unterschrift: LL:. Niv: Datum:. 4 1. Past simple present perfect a) Finish the sentences with questions about Martin. Benutze für die Antwort jeweils einen anderen Ausdruck (z.B. „a year anstelle von „12 months). e.g fly 12 months ??? How long ago did Martin last fly? He last flew year ago. 1) eat spaghetti 4 weeks ??? How long ago 2) go to the cinema 8 weeks ??? How long ago 3) see his mother 48 hours ??? How long ago 4) drink tea 120 minutes ??? How long ago 5 Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr Seite 1 b) Write in the past simple of must or can. It was really very bad. () work about eight to ten hours every day. But (-) work at the weekends. (-) go to school because they lived too far from the nearest school, and (-) learn from the two children because they werent really old enough. () only learn bit from the television, but that was usually too difficult for me! The house wasnt very nice. () sleep in very small room in the attic it was so small that (-) invite friends to visit me. So () spend all my evenings downstairs with the family. The only time () be alone was on Sundays because they always went out. (-) go with them thank goodness. 7 c) Fill in these words into the gaps. ago ever have long which did have been ever have visit would how when been went havent go would you to Canada? No, . Oh, well you to England Yes,. did you last to England? last there about year . places you? London, of course, and Bristol, too. did you stay there Only ten days. you like to go back there again Yes,. d) Complete the sentences with the present perfect tense. (not/ work) today. We (not/ plan) our holiday yet. Where (be/you)? He (write) five letters. She (not/ see) him for long time. (be/ you) at school? No, he (have/ not) the time yet. School (not/ start) yet. e) Do we need the past simple or the present perfect? Tick and explain why. Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr 4 5 Seite 2 1) Ich habe deinen Brief letzte Woche erhalten. past simple present perfect 2) Er hat ein Buch über seine Abenteuer geschrieben. past simple present perfect 3) Ja, ich habe sie vor einigen Minuten gesehen. past simple present perfect 4) Sie sind seit 1999 verheiratet. past simple present perfect 5) Ich habe mein Handy verloren. past simple present perfect 8 d) Fill in the missing words. German brechen reiten machen lesen tun schwimmen nehmen fahren Past simple Past participle 2. Look forward 2 Worauf freust du dich (1)? Worauf freust du dich nicht (2)? Notiere 2 wahre Sätze über dich. (1) (2) 3. Much or many 2 1) Did you buy food? 2) There arent hotels in this town. 3) We havent got petrol. 4) Were there people on the train 3 b) Complete the sentences with few, little, how many and how much. people are in this class? Only money has she got? Only au pairs are wanted? Only hours did you stay here? Only milk does the baby drink? Only bottles of wine did they buy? Only Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr 4 Seite 3 4. Pronouns a) Wheres Ann? Have you seen b) Where are my keys? Where did put? c) This letter is for Bill. Can you give it to ? d) We wrote to John but he didnt answer letter. e) „I cant find my pen. Can use? – Yes, of course. f) Did your sister pass exam g) Some people talk about jobs all the time. h) Last night went out for meal with friend of . 3 5. Since or for 1) She has lived here 20 years, she was teenager. 2) We have only been here six weeks. 3) She has worked on this lunch. 4) havent spoken to another teenager January. 5) It has been raining hours. 6 6. Translate 1. Früher spielte ich Fussball, jetzt spiele ich mit meiner Tochter Tennis. 2. Ich bin fähig fliessend Englisch zu sprechen. 3. Er war noch nie in Frankreich. 4. John ist immer ein guter Junge gewesen. 5. Sie verliess Zürich vor drei Monaten. Selbsteinschätzung: (Bitte auch ausfüllen!) • Ich habe für die Prüfung • Diese Übungen haben mir Schwierigkeiten bereitet: zu wenig wenig genug viel sehr viel gelernt. Ich schätze, dass ich folgende Note erhalte: . Nach dieser Prüfung ist mir wie folgt zu Mute: Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr Seite 4 -5-5-5 English Unit 1 – 5 NSE 2 Past simple, used to, present perfect, look forward, possessive -Erst pronouns, how much how many, past simple must can ellt von Danu ser Sonj -5- Grammar Test Lösungen Punkte: 53 Note: Name:. Unterschrift: LL:. Niv: Datum:. 4 2. Past simple present perfect a) Finish the sentences with questions about Martin. Benutze für die Antwort jeweils einen anderen Ausdruck (z.B. „a year anstelle von „12 months). e.g fly 12 months ??? How long ago did Martin last fly? He last flew year ago. 1) eat spaghetti 4 weeks ??? How long ago did Martin last eat spaghetti? He last ate spaghetti month ago. 2) go to the cinema 8 weeks ??? How long ago did Martin last go to the cinema? He last went to cinema two months ago. Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr Seite 5 3) see his mother 48 hours ??? How long ago did Martin last see his mother? He last saw his mother two days ago. 4) drink tea 120 minutes ??? How long ago did Martin last drink tea. He last drank tea two hours ago. b) Write in the past simple of must or can. 5 (0.5 P. pro richtige Antwort) It was really very bad. () had to work about eight to ten hours every day. But (-) didnt have to work at the weekends. (-) couldnt go to school because they lived too far from the nearest school, and (-) couldnt learn from the two children because they werent really old enough. () could only learn bit from the television, but that was usually too difficult for me! The house wasnt very nice. () had to sleep in very small room in the attic it was so small that (-) couldnt invite friends to visit me. So () had to spend all my evenings downstairs with the family. The only time () could be alone was on Sundays because they always went out. (-) didnt have to go with them thank goodness. c) Fill in these words into the gaps. 7 (0.5 P.Abzug pro Fehler) ago ever have long which did have been ever have visit would how when been went havent go would Have you ever been to Canada? No, havent. Oh, well have you ever been to England Yes, have. When did you last go to England? last went there about year ago. Which places did you visit? London, of course, and Bristol, too. How long did you stay there Only ten days. Would you like to go back there again Yes, would. d) Complete the sentences with the present perfect tense. (0.5 P. pro richtige Antwort) (not/ work) havent worked today. We (not/ plan) havent planned our holiday yet. Where (be/you) have you been? He (write) has written five letters. Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr 4 Seite 6 She (not/ see) hasnt seen him for long time. (be/ you) Have you been at school? No, he (have/ not) hasnt had the time yet. School (not/ start) hasnt started yet. 5 e) Do we need the past simple or the present perfect? Tick and explain why. 1) Ich habe deinen Brief letzte Woche erhalten. past simple present perfect Signalwort: Last week abgeschlossene Handlung 2) Er hat ein Buch über seine Abenteuer geschrieben. past simple present perfect Bezug zu jetzt gegeben 3) Ja, ich habe sie vor einigen Minuten gesehen. past simple present perfect Abgeschlossene Handlung Signalwort ago 4) Sie sind seit 1999 verheiratet. past simple present perfect Signalwort: since Bezug zu jetzt gegeben 5) Ich habe mein Handy verloren. past simple present perfect Bezug zu jetzt gegeben, Handy immer noch weg. 8 e) Fill in the missing words. German brechen reiten machen lesen tun schwimmen nehmen fahren Past simple broke rode made read did swam took drove Past participle broken ridden made read done swum taken driven 2. Look forward 2 Worauf freust du dich (1)? Worauf freust du dich nicht (2)? Notiere 2 wahre Sätze über dich. (1) Im looking forward to ing. (2) I‘m not looking forward to ing 3. Much or many 2 1) Did you buy much food? 2) There arent many hotels in this town. 3) We havent got much petrol. 4) Were there many people on the train 3 c) Complete the sentences with few, little, how many and how much. (0.5 P. für ganze Zeile) How many Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 people are in this class? O. Grawehr Only few. Seite 7 How much money has she got? Only little How many au pairs are wanted? Only few. How many hours did you stay here? Only few. How much milk does the baby drink? Only little. How many bottles of wine did they buy? Only few. 4 4. Pronouns a) Wheres Ann? Have you seen her? b) Where are my keys? Where did put them? c) This letter is for Bill. Can you give it to him? d) We wrote to John but he didnt answer our letter. e) „I cant find my pen. Can use yours? – Yes, of course. f) Did your sister pass her exam g) Some people talk about their jobs all the time. h) Last night went out for meal with friend of mine. 3 5. Since or for 1) She has lived here for 20 years, since she was teenager. 2) We have only been here for six weeks. 3) She has worked on this since lunch. 4) havent spoken to another teenager since January. 5) It has been raining four hours. 6. Translate (1 Punkt pro Satz ausser Satz 1 gibt 2 Punkte) 6 1. Früher spielte ich Fussball, jetzt spiele ich mit meiner Tochter Tennis. used to play football soccer, but now play tennis with my daughter. 2. Ich bin fähig fliessend Englisch zu sprechen. Im able to talk English fluently. 3. Er war noch nie in Frankreich. He has never been to France. 4. John ist immer ein guter Junge gewesen. John has always been good boy. 5. Sie verliess Zürich vor drei Monaten. She left Zurich three months ago. Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr Seite 8 Selbsteinschätzung: (Bitte auch ausfüllen!) • Ich habe für die Prüfung • Diese Übungen haben mir Schwierigkeiten bereitet: zu wenig wenig genug viel sehr viel gelernt. Ich schätze, dass ich folgende Note erhalte: . Nach dieser Prüfung ist mir wie folgt zu Mute: Test NSE 2 Unit 1 5 O. Grawehr Seite 9