Arbeitsblatt: Objectpronouns


Übung zu Objektpronomen, Englisch
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Toninona (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Put in me, him, her.(object pronouns) 1- Theres phone call for you – can you take 2- Pete is very nice boy. – Have you got picture of 3- The children are still small – we cant leave alone. 4- Tina is alone – can you look after 5- Hes got passport, but he hasnt got it on 6- The strawberries are 70p pound, but you can have for 50. 7- Pat is lovely girl. We like very much. 8- Wheres your camera? Have you got in your bag? 9- If you havent got time to look after your child, you can take to playschool. 10- Where is my dictionary? Have you got 11- Can you speak English and German? Yes, can speak both. 12- She hasnt got her cheque card with 13- Heres letter for – Thank you very much. 14- Theyre playing football. Why dont you play with 15- Were going to Brighton. Why dont you come with 16- He smokes lot, and that isnt very good for 17- Ive got cheque card, but cant find 18- If you walk, Ill come with 19- If we arrive at twelve, thatll give lot of time to freshen up. 20- Ill be here all afternoon. Can you ask him to phone when he comes back?