Arbeitsblatt: One word in English - Two words in German


Material für die Wörterbucharbeit. Ein englisches Wort kann im Deutschen mehrere Bedeutungen haben, die sehr unterschiedlich sein können.
1 Seiten




Heike Altindag
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

One word in English, two words in German. Find the right meaning in your dictionary. Be home before ten. Say goodbye before you leave. That was kind of him. What kind of caravan have they got? dont like this chocolate. Have you got any other kind? Thats not fair! We always go to the fair to have fun. Shes got fair hair. Why blame her? Its not her fault. He has many faults. He looks like his mother. Whats the weather like today? They like their parents. He owns house. He has house of his own. London is nice place. Pick me up at my place. The fair takes place every year. He won in third place. Ann is very pretty. She was pretty unfriendly. Have rest! The rest of the day is free. The rest of us stayed at home. We went on day trip to Plymouth. tripped over slippery stone. „Have nice trip! Shirley ran to the bus stop. Yesterday she ran into tree. ran into Mr. Smith yesterday.