Arbeitsblatt: Überblick Plakate Tenses


Plakate zu den Zeiten bis Unit 6, New Inspiraton 3
9. Schuljahr
9 Seiten




Nicole Stirnimann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Present simple He speaks. You speak. He doesnt speak. You dont speak. Does he speak? Do you speak? Present continuous He speaking. Youre speaking. He isnt speaking. You arent speaking. Is he speaking? Are you speaking? Past simple He spoke. You talked. He didnt speak. You didnt talk. Did he speak? Did you talk? Past continuous He was speaking. You were speaking. He wasnt speaking. You werent speaking. Was he speaking? Were you speaking? Present perfect He has spoken. You have spoken. He hasnt spoken. You havent spoken. Has he spoken? Have you spoken? Past perfect He had spoken. You had spoken. He hadnt spoken. You hadnt spoken. Had he spoken? Had you spoken? will-Future He will speak. He wont speak. Will he speak? going-to-Future He going to speak. Youre going to speak. He isnt going to speak. You arent going to speak. Is he going to speak? Are you going to speak?