Arbeitsblatt: Überblick über die Schweiz in Englisch


PPP mit einem Überblick zur Schweiz, gut geeignet um sich im Ausland vorzustellen
Gemischte Themen
12 Seiten




Jasmin Sulzer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Welcome to Switzerland short trip through my home country Your questions first • • • Take piece of paper and pencil. Write down all questions you have about me, my family, my hobbies, the culture of Switzerland (food, music, politics etc. ), the school system etc. We will check your questions at the very end of the presentation. Europe: Where is Switzerland? Neighboring Countries Switzerland is surrounded by: I G A F P. 4 Languages in 1 Country Due to the influence of our neighboring countries, there exist 4 official languages in Switzerland. Hello means „Hoi, Sali, Grüäzi – „Bonjour – „Buongiorno – „Bun di Small Switzerland How many square kilometers has Switzerland? How many inhabitants live there? Do we have immigrants? From where and why? 42‘000 square kilometers Population: 8‘000‘000 mixed population Immigrants (24%) from mostly Italy (early 70‘s), Eastern Europe (Kosovo, Kroatia, Albania, Macedonia etc.) Stereotypes What do you reckon comes up first in my mind when think about New Zealand? What comes up when you think about New Zealand? Where do these impressions preconceptions come from? stereotypical Swiss family lives in house with garden. has pets like dogs or cats. has 23 children. father works fulltime. mother works partly. hikes and ride bycicles, skis in Winter attends clubs (soccer team, orchestra, scouts etc.) Switzerland is famous for • Textmasterformate durch Klicken bearbeiten – Zweite Ebene – Dritte Ebene • Vierte Ebene – Fünfte Ebene Where live • Zurich Classrooms in Switzerland Bell Schedule 7:30 – 8:15 am 1:30 – 2:15 8:20 – 9:05 2:20 – 3:05 9:10 – 9:55 Break Break 3:20 – 4:05 10:20 – 11:05 4:10 – 4:55 pm 11:10 – 11:55 Lunchtime Subjects German English French Math Geometry Science History Geography Arts PE Music Religion and Culture Questions? Check your questions from the beginning of the presentation and cross out the ones have already anwered.