Arbeitsblatt: schattentheater
geschichten mit figuren als schattentheater aufführen.
Anderes Thema
3. Schuljahr
9 Seiten
Sarah Meister
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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PH Bern Institut Vorschulstufe und Primarstufe Profil V-6 Frühjahrssemester 2011 Modul: Englisch Leitung: Susanna Schwab Observation Task Vocabulary teaching Ylenia Avila Brauereiweg 2 4665 Oftringen 078 768 97 13 Eingereicht bei: Susanna Schwab Bern, 14. Juni 2011 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 1. Pre – Observation .3 5. Bibliography7 6. Lauterkeits- und Redlichkeitserklärung 8 2 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 1. Pre – Observation The observation took place in Zofingen, town in Kanton Aargau. The class is now in the fourth grade and it is their second year of English lessons. The focus of my observation is laid on the vocabulary teaching. Beforehand, when we arranged the appointment for the visit, the teacher told us that Tuesday would be the best day for visit, since only half the class is present there is more time for her left to individualise and differentiate. The learning objectives of the lesson were the four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Yet the main focus for the teacher, whenever she works only with half the class is on the speaking. 2. Description of Observation In this chapter every activity of the lesson is described as it took place during my visit. The course book the class was using is Superbus. 2.1 Letters and Words In the first activity the teacher asked the young learners to tell her word which begins with letter, which she told them. Here listing of the words that came from the learners: Duck, Fish, Edinburgh, Jaguar, Vanilla, Wolf, Band, Apple and Geography. The two letters to which the learners did not find word instantly were the letters and W. It was unclear for them whether it was an an or an and whether it was V or W. The teacher wrote the different letters on the blackboard and made the class repeat them. She explained that they do indeed sound similar but are different. This activity lasted between 5 to 10 min. 2.2 Working with pictures For this Sequence the class was assembled in circle. First the teacher asked: „What is the title of our story? The learners replied: „The lonely House „and what does lonely mean? asked the teacher again. When this question was also answered, she went on to showing flashcards with pictures of the story that was contemporarily being used by the class The lonely House. The learners were asked to describe what they saw on the pictures. After that the teacher asked further questions related to the story. This activity lasted between 10 and 15 min. 2.3 Visualising new words In this activity flashcard with images of words which were new to the learners and related to the topic Things you can be afraid of (in relation to weather, places, etc.) were laid on the floor in the circle. The teacher held up different words like snowing, cloudy etc. and the learners were asked to put them to the matching Image. In the end the teacher asked them, 3 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 what kind of words they were and the learners said Weather words and so on. 2.4 Chants First the learners said the chant from the story, which they knew by heart. They memorised the structure of the chant. The teacher read the chants from the story aloud and discussed their structure with the learners. Meanwhile she wrote the chant on the blackboard and pointed out the specific features. After that they went on to the fifth activity, which consisted in the learners writing their own chant following the structure on the Blackboard. These two sequences lasted approximately 20 Min. 2.5 Closure At the end of the lesson the teacher gave oral commands to the learners which they carried out: Hands on knees, close the books and put them under your tables. Everybody close your pencil case, pack your schoolbags and close them. Everybody tidy up under your table, stand behind your chair and put your schoolbags on your backs. Put the chairs under the table, hop to me on one foot and say goodbye. 3. Post – Observation In the following paragraphs the activities of the lesson are reflected and analysed regarding the focus of the observation vocabulary teaching. 3.1 Letters and words The objective of the first activity was to get the learners to repeat the Alphabet and to train their general vocabulary. The manner, in which the teacher did this, by giving the learners the initial letter of word, is very common way of procedure. The young learners enjoyed this activity very much as they could prove how well they already know the Alphabet and how many words they had already stored. By repeating each word, the teacher at once supported the pronunciation and provided careful corrective feedback (see Legutke et al. 2009:66). 3.2 Working with pictures With this second activity the teacher gained insight in how much the learners had understood of the story until that point. In addition the learners were requested to make whole sentences and to answer questions related to the content. In this sequence the teachers reaction were very encouraging. She allowed the learners to use German words, whenever they could not think of suitable expression in English and she did not correct grammatical mistakes. 4 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 3.3 Visualising new words Following the oral training of the previous activity, the objective for this third sequence was to consolidate the new words by seeing their spellings and by repeating them. To work with topic like in this activity Things you can be afraid of helps the learners to make associations and can therefore be very helpful in constructing network. Including extraordinary things like for instance ghosts, vampires, and other things that were mentioned by the learners during this task, can be very motivating and it strengthens the storage of the words (see Legutke et al. 2009: 69). 3.4 Chant These activities were also very motivating for the learners. They could prove what they had learned and use their imagination to create their own chant. First they made draft, which was then checked by the teacher, and eventually copied on white sheet of paper that was decorated in order to be exposed in the hallway of the school. In order to store new vocabulary, it is important that the young learners get many possibilities to explore the new words, to practice and recycle lexical chunks (see Legutke et al.2009: 69). good way of doing this is by using topic. In case of this activity the topic was the chant and the chunks were given by the structure. 3.5 Closure By giving the learners oral commands, which they have to carry out, the teacher can once again check how much the learners have understood. In turn, the learners can experience how much they understand in English in an authentic communicative situation which involves them and which is therefore experienced as motivating (see Legutke et al. 2009: 17). 4. Insights and conclusion found the observation very valuable task. It was worthwhile to see how teacher conducts an English lesson at primary school. was very surprised how well the learners spoke English already. They had big vocabulary and they were not embarrassed to speak in front of me at all. guess it has lot to do with the new attitude of foreign language teaching, where mistakes are an essential part of the learning process and authenticity and motivation is considered very significant. For vocabulary teaching it is crucial that the words are taught in meaningful context and that their lexical associations such as the clang association (sounds), the paradigmatic association (synonyms, antonyms) and the syntagmatic association are all included. It helps 5 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 the learners to construct lexical networks (see Legutke et al. 2009: 64). In the future will certainly include activities that provide holistic, multi-sensory, wholeperson, and action-oriented access to language learning (see Legutke et al. 2009:18). Especially, will include much visual support since it helps the learners lot in storing their new words, by giving them link. To explore the new words, by networking its meaning, is decisive for vocabulary learning (see ebd.: 69). Because classes nowadays are very heterogeneous, it is important to acknowledge individual learners differences and to support learning by individualising and differentiating. On the whole will make sure to be acting after the principles of primary specific foreign language pedagogy (see ebd.: 17). 6 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 5. Bibliography • Legutke, Michael Andreas Müller-Hartmann Marita Schocker-v.Ditfurth (2009 ):Teaching English in the primary school. Stuttgart: Klett Lerntraining. 7 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 6. Lauterkeits- und Redlichkeitserklärung Hiermit bestätige ich, Ylenia Avila, dass die vorliegende Arbeit nach dem Grundsatz der wissenschaftlichen Lauterkeit und Redlichkeit verfasst, ohne unerlaubte Hilfe ausgeführt und nicht bereits an einem anderen Institut, einer anderen Hochschule oder bei einer anderen Dozentin, einem anderen Dozenten eingereicht ist. Ort, Datum: Unterschrift: Bern, 13.06.2011 8 Seminar: Englisch TEYL1 PHBern, IVP, Profil:V-6 Leitung: Susanna Schwab Studentin: Ylenia Avila Modul: Englisch FS2011 Zeit 5 Min Inhalte Lernziele LP sagt einen Buchstaben, SuS nennen ein Wort, das mit diesem Buchstaben beginnt. Skills speaking (listening) Die SuS repetieren das Alphabet und trainieren ihren allgemeinen Wortschatz. Material 10-15 Min LP zeigt Bilder der aktuellen Story. SuS sagen was sie sehen/was geschieht. LP stellt zusätzliche Fragen. Flashcards story (leere Sprechblasen) 5-10 Min LP legt flashcards auf den Boden, SuS lesen die Bezeichnungen und legen sie zu den Wörtern. speaking (listening) Die SuS kennen die Story „Lonely House. Sie können einfache Sätze dazu sagen und Fragen zum Inhalt beantworten. reading, speaking Die SuS festigen nach dem mündlichen Training das Schriftbild der Bezeichnungen und repetieren die Wörter „Things you can be afraid of, weather, places 5 Min SuS dürfen den Chant, der in der Story vorkommt auswenig vorsagen. Dann wird der Chant auf der CD abgespielt, die SuS sprechen mit. Die LP liest die Chants im Act.Book vor. Einige SuS lesen die Chants vor. Die LP bespricht den Aufbau der Chants an der Tafel. Die Schüler schreiben im Act.Book ihren eigenen Entwurf. Abschluss: Song, Quiz, Moving game (je nach Stimmung der Klasse) speaking Die SuS repetieren den Chant, den von der Story kennen. Sie verinnerlichen den Aufbau des Chants (für nächste Aufgabe). reading writing Die SuS schreiben einen eigene Chant, der dem Muster der Beispiele entspricht. Die SuS können entsprechend ihren Wortschatzkenntnissen einen Chant schreiben. CD Superbus 3 Pupils book p36 1520Min 2 Min Flashcards„Thing you can be afraid of, weather, places Activity Book p37 7. Attachment Englisch Halbklasse, Dienstag 10. Mai 11 LP Lehrperson SuSSchülerinnen und Schüler 9