Arbeitsblatt: Present Continuous - Young World 4


Leichte Abänderung der KV 5.3 aus Young World 4. Separate Übungen für positive und negative Sätze, sowie Fragen im Present Continuous. Mit Lösung.
6. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Simone Gisiger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

1. Write sentences with the words given below. Use the Present Continuous. One example has been done for you. a) / to read book Im reading book. b) he to drive car c) she to sit on chair d) you to come on time e) they to make it f) / to bleed g) they to begin the game h) she to forget the facts i) it to rain 2. Write negative sentences with the same sentences from exercise 1. The little word not stands between the verb to be and the main verb. Two examples have been done for you. (is not can be shortened isnt) a) / to read book Im not reading book. b) he to drive car He is not isnt driving c r. c) she to sit on chair d) you to come on time e) they to make it f) / to bleed g) they to begin the game h) she to forget the facts i) it to rain 3. Write questions with the words given below. Use the Present Continuous. One example has been done for you. (The verb to be goes right in front. The rest follows. Dont forget the question mark.) a) / to decorate the house b) you to cut the apple Am decorating the house? c) she to wear coat d) they to move to Zurich e) he to shut the door f) you/ to eat banana