Arbeitsblatt: Feelings Leseverständnistest


Explorers Modul 1, Scenario 3, Leseverständnistest zum Thema Feelings
4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Sämi Waldvogel
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

The week of Mr. Feeling Leseverständnis Test Name: 1. Read the week of Mr. Feeling 2. Highlight all words that you understand in yellow /2 3. Highlight all feelings in another colour. /4 4. Answer the questions The week of Mr. Feeling On Monday hes sad, because hes got bad letter from friend. On Tuesday morning, hes happy because he is visited by his friend Special. On Tuesday afternoon, they play cards together and Mr. Feeling gets angry because Special plays unfair. On Wednesday hes very excited, because its his birthday. He invites all his friends to party. Special is there too. Mr. Feeling is very lonely on Thursday. It is not easy to be alone after this great party. On Friday, hes scared. He has seen ghost in his kitchen. On Saturday morning Mr Feeling goes to school. He is worried because of the math test. But in the afternoon he is very glad of the result. On Sunday, he meets his friendly neighbour Ms. Happy. They eat tea and cookies together and feel good. True or false true false 1. On Monday, Mr. Feeling isnt happy 2. Special is unfair at playing cards. 3. His neighbour is called Special 4. His birthday is on Wednesday. 5. Special is at Mr. Feelings birthday party. 6. Mr. Feeling feels good with Ms. Happy. 7. On Thursday, Mr. Feeling sees all his friends. 8. Mr. Feeling has good result in the math test /8 9. Why does Mr. Feeling get angry? 10. What is his feeling on Sunday? 11. Why is Mr. Feeling scared? 12. On what day is Mr. Feeling exited? /8 Total: 22