Arbeitsblatt: plural


8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




olivier granwehr
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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ingular Plural door city teacher computer dish half horizon church tomato lamp half 2. kilo 3. woman 4. mouth 5. foot 6. sheep 7. penny 8. bus 9. day 10. fish 1. life 2. family 3. boy 4. house 5. city 6. man 7. child 8. sandwich 9. nurse 10. shelf Mariette is from Paris; she speaks . Niklaas was born in Amsterdam; he is from Merlin is from ; he was born in Brussels. Kostas is from Athens; he speaks . Mehmet is from Istanbul; he is . Isabelle is from ; she was born in Marseille. Sabine is from Berlin; she is . Amélia is from Brazil; she speaks Nestor is from ; he was born in Athens. Marta is from Warsaw; she speaks Svetlana is from Moscow; she speaks Hannu is from ; he was born in Helsinki. Aygül is from ; she was born in Ankara. Nuria is from ; she was born in Bombay. ercedes is from ; she was born in Granada. Eric is from Stockholm; he speaks Neves is from ; she was born in Lisbon Roberto is from ; he was born in Rome Rodriguez is from Lima, Peru; he speaks My name is Louisa and live on Wellington Street indowntownuptown Toronto. My is very multicultural. For example, there is Chinese outdoor twice week. There you can buy fresh from the Atlantic, homemade bread and other produce. We also get lot of from all over the world. Two wives, one . One country, twelve . One knife, six activity artist baby box boy bus city dish hobby house knife leaf life tent watch wife Im walking down Lawrence Street and see person carrying dead duck. He be Canadian. think he be Chinese. Then see him enter Chinese restaurant. Now Im sure he be Chinese. Later see café selling croissants and café au lait. think the owner of the café be French. He be American, that for sure. Then see couple talking loudly and waving their hands. They be Canadian either. think they be Southern Europeans, but Im not sure. Then hear the guy say gracias. So think they be speaking Spanish. They be from Spain, but they also be from South America. Walking through the city of Toronto Im walking down Lawrence Street and see person carrying dead duck. He cant be Canadian. think he could be Chinese. Then see him enter Chinese restaurant. Now Im sure he must be Chinese. Later see café selling croissants and café au lait. think the owner of the café might be French. He cant be American, that for sure. Then see couple talking loudly and waving their hands. They cant be Canadian either. think they could be Southern Europeans, but Im not sure. Then hear the guy say gracias. So think they must be speaking Spanish. They might be from Spain, but they could also be from South America.