Arbeitsblatt: Pharell Williams - Happy
Übungen zum Hörverstehen, Textverstehen und Sprechen
Anderes Thema
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Sigrid Martin
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
2. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps! [Verse 1:] It seem crazy what Im about to say Sunshine shes here, you can break Im hot air balloon that could go to space With the , like dont care baby by the way [Hook: ] Because Im happy Clap along if you feel like without roof Because Im happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the Because Im happy Clap along if you know what is to you Because Im happy Clap along if you feel like what you wanna do [Verse 2:] Here come bad talking this and that, yeah, Well, give me all you got, and dont hold back, yeah, Well, should probably you Ill be just fine, yeah, No offense to you, dont waste your Heres why [Hook] Hey, come on [Bridge:] Bring me down Cant bring me down My level too Bring me down Cant nothing bring me down (let me tell you now) Bring me down Cant nothing bring me down My too high Bring me down Cant nothing bring me down said 1. Listen to the song. Circle the words that come to your mind. Add three more. alone friend rich happy party love hate tears freedom war clapping singing sunshine sad exciting cold terrible boring enemy money friendly 3. Questions on the text! Try to explain the message in sentence or two! What about the atmosphere of the song? 4. Communication When are you happy? Talk with partner about it and use phrases like: Im happy when When Im happy friends pets sing hobby family ?? dance