Arbeitsblatt: Englisch Grammatik


Englisch Grammatik
7. Schuljahr
19 Seiten




Esther Keller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Repetitionswerkstatt Englisch 1. Oberstufe Mit diesen Arbeitsblättern sollen alle Grammatikinhalte der bisherigen Units noch einmal repetiert werden. Wenn ein Inhalt noch nicht sitzt, bitte mit einem roten Kreuz markieren! Es ist klar, dass Lücken aufgearbeitet werden müssen! Inhalt Kann ich gut! Habe ich noch nicht verstanden! Posten 1 be and have Posten 2 do an does Posten 3 present simple Posten 4 present simple questions Posten 5 present continuous Posten 6 Possessive adj. pron. Posten 7 comparative and superlative Posten 8 past simple 1 Posten 9 past simple 2 Posten 10 past continuous Posten 11 going to future Posten 12 will future Posten 13 present cont. for the future Posten 14 object pronoun Posten 15 some and any Posten 16 how much and how many? Posten 17 – Inspiration Extra Posten 18 – Inspiration Culture Wenn du das alles geschafft hast, bist du gewappnet für die zweite Oberstufe! EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 1 be and have be sein Gegenwart am ich bin you are du bist he,she it is er,sie,es ist we are wir sind you are ihr seid they are sie sind be sein Vergangenheit was ich war you were du warst he,she,it was er,sie,es war we were wir waren you were ihr wart they were sie waren Merke Wenn man bei be verneinen will, hängt man an is,was usw. not an have haben Gegenwart have ich habe you have du hast he,she,it has er,sie,es hat we have wir haben you have ihr habt they have sie haben Merke verneint wird mit dont ,bei he,she,it mit doesnt have haben Vergangenheit had ich hatte you had du hattest he,she,it had er,sie,es hatte we had wir hatten you had ihr hattet they had sie hatten Merke die Verneinung heißt hier didnt have Übungen Übersetze ins Englische 1.Er hat nicht: 2.Sie sind nicht: 3.Wir hatten nicht: 4.Er war: 5.Sie waren: 6.Ihr hattet nicht: . 7.Ihr habt nicht: 8.Du bist: . 9.Du warst nicht: 10.Sie waren nicht: 11.Ich bin nicht: . 12.Sie hatten: . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 2 do and does 1.Setze in die Fragen does oder do ein und beantworte sie mit ja und nein. 1.he play tennis? 2she like football? . 3.they play handball? 4.Timmy read book? . 5. we play with sticks? . 6Sarah and Karen write letter? 7.Kevin play soccer? 2.Verneine die folgenden Sätze. 1. He plays tennis . 2. We play handball: 3. Kevin drinks lemonade 4. She opens the door: . 5. You make me happy 6. My parents drive van : 7. Ronny drives taxi : 8. Mr Pearson closes the door . 9. Kate plays volleyball: . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 3 present simple 1.Bilde aus den folgenden Stichwörtern AUSSAGESÄTZE im Simple Present a) Sita work in restaurant . b) Ben play with computer c) / play football . d) Mr Miller work in bathroom . e) Sanyay clean livingroom f) BenTimmy play tennis two oclock g) Mrs Snow make dinner . h) Marmalade sleep in basket 2.Bilde aus den folgenden Stichwörtern VERNEINTE AUSSAGESÄTZE im Simple Present. a) Jenny and Sally help/ their Dad in house b) Lulu play with pullover . c) Jenny draw tortoise on board d) The kids swap stickers . e) Jenny and Sita listen to walkman . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 4 present simple questions 1.Bilde nun aus den Stichwörtern FRAGESÄTZE. Beginne mit do oder does. Beantworte die Fragen mit yes oder no. a) Sita play chess? b) Ben like maths? c) Susan work in Germany? . d) the Snows eat breakfast on Sundays/? . e) Debbie and Jenny like fashion? . f) Jenny like fashion? g) Debbie act in plays? 2.Übersetze nun die FRAGESÄTZE ins Englische. a) Mag Ben Computerspiele? b) Geht Ben in den Supermarket? c) Hilft Sita seinem Vater? . d) Wo arbeitet Mr Gupta? e) Warum mag Trundle Hunde? . f) Warum liest Jenny Bücher über Filmstars? EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 5 present continuous Das Present Continuous besteht aus der konjugierten Form des Hilfsverbs „be und dem Verb im Partizip Präsens. (Verbing) • Im reading were reading • youre reading youre reading • hes reading theyre reading • shes reading Zur Schreibung des Partizip Präsens: • Im Normalfall hängt man ing an die Grundform: read reading • Stummes fällt weg: write writing • Nach kurzem betontem Vokal wird der Konsonant verdoppelt: run running Describe the pictures: Put into the present continuous tense: a. John (work) in his garden. . b. He (cut the grass. c. Sue and Terry (play) tennis. d. Your dog (run) after rabbit . e. Mark and Jane (listen) to CDs. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 6 possessive adjectives and pronouns Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun my mine You your yours He She It his her is his hers is We our ours You your yours They their theirs 1.Read and complete with possessive pronouns 1. This isnt your map. Its my map. 2. The map isnt Its 3. These arent our coffees. Theyre their coffees 4. These coffees arent They are 5. It isnt her camera. Its his camera. 6. The camera isnt Its 7. They arent your sandwiches. Theyre our sandwiches. 8. The sandwiches arent They are . 2.Write down your own examples. . . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt . . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 7 comparative and superlative Remember: There are regular and irregular adjectives! Adjective Comparative Superlative Small Famous Good smaller more famous better the smallest the most famous best 1. Write down the comparative and the superlative 0 tall young short peaceful pleasant careful intelligent interesting important bad good many 2. Translate: Der grösste Planet ist Der kleinste Staat ist Die Erde ist kleiner als die Sonne Die intelligenteste Schülerin ist EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 8 past simple 1 Wenn du das Past simple bildest, hängst du der Grundform des Verbs die Endung – ed an. fill – filled (füllen) walk – walked (wandern, spazieren) help – helped (helfen) jump – jumped (springen) aber beachte: Verben die auf – enden Bei Verben, die mit – enden, hängst du nur ein – an (nicht – ed) like – liked (mögen) love – loved (lieben, gern haben) live – lived (leben, wohnen) Verben die auf – enden wird zu i, wenn vor dem ein Konsonant steht: try – tried (versuchen) cry – cried (schreien, weinen) hurry – hurried (sich beeilen) bleibt y, wenn vor dem ein Vokal steht: stay – stayed (bleiben, verbringen) enjoy – enjoyed (geniessen) Bei einsilbigen Verben, die mit einem Konsonanten enden, verdoppelt sich der Endkonsonant: clap – clapped (klatschen) travel – travelled (reisen) fit – fitted (passen, eignen) hit – hitted (schlagen) 1. Positive Statements home late yesterday. (come) He at the cinema. (to be) They the coat into the lake. (throw) 2. Question Negative He played hockey every day. The soup was hot. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt They talked about their homework. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 9 past simple 2 1. Find the past tense of these verbs. Write down if it is regular or irreguar verb. a. Become b. Bury c. Come d. Escape e. Reach f. Start g. Build h. Carry i. Destroy j. Get k. Return l. Walk m. Burn n. Climb o. Die p. Leave q. See r. Write 2. Write some sentences in the past. Use those verbs from the exercise above. . . . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 10 past continuous Simple past or past continuous Use After another or at the same time? (nacheinander oder gleichzeitig?) Do you want to express that the actions in the past happened one after another or at the same time? Simple Past after another Past Continuous at the same time She came home, switched on the computer and Simon was playing on the computer while his checked her emails. brother was watching TV. We use the past continous to describe what was happening at particular time in the past, to give the background to an event. We form the past continous with was were and –ing form. Write some examples: 1.After school she was reading book in the patio. . . EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 11 going to future going tofuture willfuture Plan in der Zukunft; Vorhersage, Vermutung; logische Konsequenz (man sieht etwas spontaner Entschluss kommen) Die Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Zeitformen sind zum Teil sehr gering und oft sprecherabhängig. Deswegen kann man öfters mehrere Zeitformen verwenden. Es kommt auch darauf an, ob die Sätze geschrieben oder gesprochen werden, ob man z.B. in England oder den USA lebt. going tofuture willfuture to be (am, are, is) going to Infinitiv will Infinitiv We are going to fly to Leeds in summer. He will carry this bag for you. We are not going to fly to Leeds in summer. He will not carry this bag for you. Are we going to fly to Leeds in summer? Will he carry this bag for you? Signal Words in one year, next week, tomorrow Put the verbs into the correct form (future I). Use going to. 1.It (rain) 2.They (eat) stew. 3.I (wear) blue shoes tonight. 4.We (not help) you. 5.Jack (not walk) home. 6.(cook you) dinner? 7.Sue(share not) her biscuits. 8.(leave they) the house? 9.(take part she) in the contest? 10.I (not spend) my holiday abroad this year. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 12 will future going tofuture Plan in der Zukunft; logische Konsequenz (man sieht etwas kommen) willfuture Vorhersage, Vermutung; spontaner Entschluss Die Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Zeitformen sind zum Teil sehr gering und oft sprecherabhängig. Deswegen kann man öfters mehrere Zeitformen verwenden. Es kommt auch darauf an, ob die Sätze geschrieben oder gesprochen werden, ob man z.B. in England oder den USA lebt. going tofuture willfuture to be (am, are, is) going to Infinitiv will Infinitiv We are going to fly to Leeds in summer. He will carry this bag for you. We are not going to fly to Leeds in summer. He will not carry this bag for you. Are we going to fly to Leeds in summer? Will he carry this bag for you? Signal Words: in year, next , tomorrow Vermutung: think, probably, perhaps Exercise: Put the verbs into the correct form (future simple). Use will. Jim asked fortune teller (Wahrsagerin) about his future. Here is what she told him: You (earn) lot of money. a. You (travel) .around the world. b. You (meet) . lots of interesting people. c. Everybody (adore) .you. d. You (not have) .any problems. e. Many people (serve) .you. f. They (anticipate) .your wishes. g. There (not be) .anything left to wish for. h. Everything (be) .perfect. i. But all these things (happen only) .if you marry me. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 13 present cont. for the future Auch das present continuous kann man für die Zukunft verwenden: Present continuous (progressive) feststehender Plan in der nahen Zukunft Present continuous to be (am, are, is) Infinitiv ing am going to party tonight. am not going to party tonight. Am going to party tonight? sitting (Verdopplung nach kurzem Vokal) writing (stummes e fällt weg) lying (ie wird zu y) 1. Complete this text with your own words using the present continuous. This is perfect holiday. Were going to the „Phantom of the opera in London. And tomorrowwere Next were Then .and after Finally See you soon. Love Carol 2. Write down some sentences using the present continuous. Describe here your future plans for this evening. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 14 object pronoun Subject Object (who? wer?) (who? wen?) you he she it we you they me you him her it us you them Put the right pronoun 1. Petra loves football 2.Petra hates tennis 3.John and like fishing 4.John and like fishing 5.Mary and Andrea like Jane 6.Mary and Andrea like Jane 7.Manfred doesnt like Fred 8.Manfred doesnt like Fred EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 15 some and any We use some and any with both plural and uncountable nouns. We use some in positive sentences and in requests and questions when we expect the answer „yes. Id like some garlic. Could borrow some money? We use any in negative sentences and neutral questions. dont want any meat. Have you got any pizzas with mushrooms? Write down any or some. 1. Sue went to the cinema with of her friends! 2. Jane doesnt have friends. 3. Have you got brothers or sisters? 4. Here is food for the cat. 5. think you should put flowers on the table. 6. Could you check if there are calls on the answering machine? 7. dont want presents for my birthday. 8. Did they have news for you? 9. Im hungry Ill have sandwiches. 10.There arent apples left. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 16 how much and how many? Countable nouns/Uncountable nouns Read this information: Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example: pen. We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns:dog, cat, animal, man, person • bottle, box, litre • coin, note, dollar Countable nouns can be singular or plural: • My dog is playing. • My dogs are hungry. We can use the indefinite article a/an with countable nouns: • dog is an animal. We can use few and many with countable nouns: • Ive got few dollars. • havent got many pens. Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot count them. For example, we cannot count milk. We can count bottles of milk or litres of milk, but we cannot count milk itself. Here are some more uncountable nouns: • music, art, love, happiness • advice, information, news • furniture, luggage • rice, sugar, butter, water We do not usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns. We cannot say an information or a music. But we can say something of: • piece of news • bottle of water • grain of rice We can use little and much with uncountable nouns: • Ive got little money. • havent got much rice. EN: Inspiration 2 – Werkstatt Posten 17 – Inspiration Extra Do the exercises in the book Inspiration 2, WB 60 and 61. You just do these exercises: P.60 ex. 2/3/4 P. 61 ex. 1/2/3 Posten 18 – Inspiration Culture Do the exercises in the book Inspiration 2, WB 63 and 64.