Arbeitsblatt: Englisch Test Unit 2


Test Unit 2 (New Inspiration)
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Sarah Wardeh
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Englisch Test Unit 2 06.02.14 My name: Points: /40 ø Mark: 1. Write the names of town facilities that match the descriptions. a. You buy newspapers here. b. You go there to plan holiday. c. You go there to buy medicine. d. You go there to buy stamps and send letters. e. You go there to buy food and other things. f. You go there to get money. g. You go there to get haircut. /7 2. Complete with the prepositions of place. The mouse is the box. The mouse is the box. The mouse is the box. The mouse is the box. The mouse is the box. The mouse is the box. The mouse is the boxes. /7 3. Write the comparative and the superlative of the adjectives Comparative Superlative small hot friendly popular good bad /6 4. Look at the chart. Complete the sentences with comparative or superlative adjective. Population Temperature in summer Cost of hotels Rio de Janeiro 11,500,000 28–29 124th in the world Carnival started 1600 in Days for 4 days carnival Main type of samba music music 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 London 7,500,000 14–18 3rd in the world 1964 2 days reggae music With population of 11.5 million, Rio is than London. The summers in Rio are than the summers in London. Londons hotels are than Rios. The hotels in Rio are than the hotels in London. The Rio carnival is four days. It is than the carnival in London. The carnival in London is two days. It is than the Rio carnival. Londons carnival is than Rios for people that like reggae. Londons carnival is than Rios for people that like samba. The Rio carnival started in 1600. It is than Londons carnival. Many people think that the Rio carnival is the in the world. /10 8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Achtung: denke daran, die richtige Form einzusetzen (gerund oder Grundform) a. Many young people like to music festivals. b. Most people cant waiting in the rain. c. Musicians are usually interested in to different kinds of music. d. Fans dont mind long time to hear their favourite bands. e. Some people are good at place at the front, near the stage. f. lot of fans hate to buy tickets at concert. They should tickets online before the concert. g. Some bands are bad at concert on time. They shouldnt their fans waiting. h. People who go to festivals should their mobile phone in case they have to phone someone. /10