Arbeitsblatt: OW1, VOCI Test unit 7&8
Test Vocabulary 7&8
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Sabine Burkhardt
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Open World 1 Vocabulary Test 1. Translate: Units 7 8 Points: Name: /35 mark: P. Signature: ./8 Turnschuh neblig etwas gerne machen Fahrplan, Flugplan Schornstein, Kamin (kreis)rund gegen den Uhrzeigersinn Regenschirm Zutat, Bestandteil Haut brauchen Schatten Selbstvertrauen sich erkälten Sturm, Orkan macht nichts 2. Find the opposite (Gegenteil) /5 early (5 a.m.!) feel happy lot of calm (weather) pick up 3. Synonyms! Find word that means the same! ./5 to fix sth (when sth is broken) to go on smooth go away diet, food 4. Word formation verb: to observe noun: noun: declaration adjective: important ./5 verb: noun: verb: to instruct noun: taste noun: adjective: 5. Fill in the gap /8 got good mark the test was quite difficult. For that job you need good computer of my friends go tot he same school as me. Dogs love running after Can you . fire with water There is big of books on my desk. Do you see the between the two pictures Would you like of watermelon? 6. What do you see /4 Good luck!