Arbeitsblatt: Present Simple Prüfung - English Plus 2
Present Simple Prüfung - English Plus 2, Unit 1
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten
Dunia Sanchez da Silva
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
English Starter Unit: Present simple Name: Klasse: Unterschrift der Eltern: Note: (_/56.5 P.) Activity 1: Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences. a) Ella in Manchester. (leben) b) Eric chess. (spielen) c) Jean at night. (studieren, lernen) d) Leonard his homework in the bedroom. (machen) e) Mr Elliot in an office. (arbeiten) f) School at 6.30. (enden) g) The children the street to school. (überqueren) h) The dog outside. (schlafen) i) We to work together. (gehen). j) They TV every day. (schauen) Activity 2: (_/5P.) Rewrite the sentences in the 3rd person singular, beginning with he or she. 1: They sell antiques. 2: always drive to work. 3: We never do our homework. 4: We miss our parents. 5: We usually stay home at night. (/5P.) Activity 2: Choose the correct form of the question and the answer. a) Eric play tennis? Yes, b) they clean the house? No, c) you go to the party? No, d) Megan like vegetables? No, e) we buy new clothes? Yes, (_/2.5P.) Activity 4: Rewrite the sentences in the a) negative form b) interrogative form. a. She gets dressed at 7.45. (x) b. wake up very early. (?) (_/4P.) Activity 5: Complete the sentences. Use the verbs: speak, teach, open, like Tom English. The City Museum . at 9 oclock. My job is very interesting. . it. Tina an Tom are teacher. They Maths and English. (_/2P.) Activity 6: Write the negative. play the piano very well. . They know my phone number. We work very hard. Jane plays the piano very well. (_/8P.) Activity 7: Write questions. (where live your parents?) . (how often TV you watch?) . (to the cinema often you go?) (what mean this word?) . (often snow it here?) . (go usually to bed what time you?) . (/12P.) Activity 8: Write in English! Mein Vater arbeitet in Niederglatt. Ich schaue oft Fernsehen. Gehst du oft Rad fahren? . Sammelst du nie Dinge? . (_/8P.) Activity 9: Present simple of „have Vocabulary. Translate the sentences. Ich habe immer braune Haare. Du hast ein grünes Kamel. Er hat einen Bruder. Wir haben ein grosses Haus. Ihr habt eine Ausweis. Sie haben teuren Schmuck. Hast du ein Mobiltelefon? Haben sie Geld? Die Kinder haben eine Kravatte. Haben die Schüler einen Bibliotheksausweis? (_/10P.)