Arbeitsblatt: Übung "there is/ there are"
Arbeitsblatt zum Thema "there is / there are"
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Tristan Marti
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Englisch E2 There is there are 1. Complete the table with there is there are there isnt 1. . toilet under the stairs. 2. . an apple in the kitchen. 3. . seven tomatoes left. 4. . house in the forest. 5. . anything left. 6. . two gardens. 7. . many cars behind the shopping center. 8. . lot to do around here. 9. . any coffee left. 10. . lot of trees around the school. 11. . only one picture on the wall. 12. . boy standing on the street. 2. Complete the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is glass of Coke on the table. glass of Coke on the table? There is some bread in the kitchen. some bread in the kitchen? There are lot of children who go to school. lot of children who go to school? There is garage. garage? There are two cats in the garden. two cats in the garden? 3. Make your own questions and give the right answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. SOLUTIONS: 1. 1. there is 2. there is 3. there are 4. there is 5. there isnt 6. there are 7. there are 8. there is 9. there isnt 10. there are 11. there is 12. there is 2. 1. is there 2. is there 3. are there 4. is there 5. are there