Arbeitsblatt: Englisch


Uebung Past Simple und Past Continuous
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Maurizia Simioni
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Past Simple and Past Continous Wähle aus den Vorgaben aus und entscheide dich für die richtigen Verbformen. Benutze Simple Past oder Past Progressive. 1. We . at the breakfast table when the doorbell sat rang were sitting was ringing was sitting were ringing 2. He . lot of friendly people while he in California. met worked was meeting were working were meeting was working 3. When they the museum, the sun left shone were leaving was shining was leaving were shining 4. The students cards when the teacher in. played came in were playing was coming in was playing were coming in 5. While the children , their parents . TV. slept watched were sleeping were watching was sleeping was watching 6. It to rain while she the flowers in her garden. started watered was starting was watering were starting were watering 7. When the door, it opened was opening were opening rained was raining were raining 8. While Henry drink at the bar, his wife . in the sea. had swam was having was swimming were having were swimming 9. He loud bang while he . to his friend. heared was hearing were hearing was talking talked were talking 10. While he shower, his dogs his steaks. took ate was taking were eating were taking was eating