Arbeitsblatt: Lernkontrolle YW2 Unit 4 Exploring nature
Lernkontrolle zur Unit 4
Gemischte Themen
4. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Helen Preisig
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Name:_ English Test Unit 4 Exploring nature 1) Translate! (Übersetze auf Deutsch!) (5 P.) bark root (to) chop down rubbish rope honey mushroo bee (to) tie forester 2) Find out the correct tree and make sentence! (Finde den richtigen Baum und bilde einen Satz dazu!) (4 P.) rubber Rubber is made from rubber tree. chocolate oil toys coffee 3) Who am I? Can you find the animals? (Finde heraus um welches Tier es sich handelt!) (5 P.) My favourite food is mice. have very good eyes and can see in the dark. can fly. am an My favourite food is leaves. am afraid of the hedgehog. am. My favourite food is insects, but also eat snails. sleep during the day. am afraid of the fox. am. My favourite food is rabbits, but also eat mice and hedgehogs. hunt them in the evening and at night. have red fur. am. My favourite food is nuts. can climb up trees. am. 4) What are these animals doing during the day and at night? (Was machen diese Tiere am Tag und in der Nacht?) (10 P.) Day The owl is sleeping. Night The owl is hunting. The squirrel The fox The hedgehog The blackbird The rabbits 5) Answer the questions! (Beantworte die Fragen ausführlich und mit ganzen Sätzen!) (3 P.) Can use the wood in the forest? Can make fire in the forest? What can do with my rubbish in the forest? Good luck! Punkte: /27 Geschätzte Punkte: Note: Lernziel erreicht bei 19 Punkten Unterschrift:_