Arbeitsblatt: New World 2 - Unit 1 Test
Mit Lösungen
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Catherine Hart
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Lies die Aufgaben gut durch. Frage sofort, wenn du die Aufgabenstellung nicht verstehst, die Lehrperson wird sie für dich übersetzen! ENGLISH UNIT 1 Focus and Vocabulary Name: Points: Grade: Language /54 50-54P 6 46-49P 5,5 Signature: 41-45P 5 1. Write 2 sentences picture (about the clothes). 36-40P 5,5 30-35P 4 Weniger als 30 ungenügend about each 8P 2. Read the text and dress the person. Read the whole text before you start colouring. 9P The person is wearing short blue jeans, tartan socks and brown shoes. Under his green jacket you can see spotted t-shirt (yellow spots on red). He is also wearing headphones and one big golden earring. He is holding black and white striped bag in one hand and floral umbrella (Regenschirm) in the other. 3. Write the correct indefinite article in front of the words or leave it empty if necessary 9P apron t-shirt trousers shoes earring jumper vest tie old hat 4. Find the verbs in the past simple and mark them. 14P Bens Morning woke up this morning and was very hungry. ate big breakfast. My friend Joe waited for me outside my house and we walked to school. We talked about our homework. School started at 8.30 this morning. It was good morning – we listened to our teacher, practised lot for our maths exam and played football in the break. At 12 oclock we wandered back home and enjoyed big plate of my favourite food – loved it. 5. a) Write the verbs in the past. 9P Mary (live)in Paris ten years ago. She (work) as teacher there. Her flat (be) near the Eiffel Tower Her best friends (be) Antoine and Elodie. Antoine (be) painter. He (paint) beautiful portraits. Elodie (live) in the same house as Mary and they (laugh) lot together. Mary_ (love) eating crèpes and drinking wine, whilst living in Paris. b) Which verb goes where? Write it in the past simple! 5P Ronan his girlfriend very much. listen The kids to their teacher. work The sailors hard on the big boats. love My mum at some flowers. live My granny in small village called Finsterhennen. look