Arbeitsblatt: Young World Unit 1 Voci Teil 2


Ein weiterer Teil folgt Voci aus Activity Book
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Tanja Studer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Name:_ English Vocabulary test 2 1. Verbinde die Wortpaare mit dem Massstab. bulb chorus solo cellar circle rubbish plastic container prepare stuf Solo Keller Abfall Glühbirne vorbereiten Zeug Chor Plastikbehälter einkreisen 2. Rechts sind alle Worte die du benötigst. Schreibe die sie in die Sätze. Schreibe richtig ab!!! In winter we the house. reduce In Switzerland, about 11 tons of CO2 are produced. We can the quantity of rubbish. talk to about You can re-use the of apple juice as wallet. Bo his friend George their after school programme. is drink without alcohol. daily heat recipe Cereals are my breakfast. per person per year comment Please leave personal ! soft drink You can restaurants on the internet. packaging This shows how to make milkshake. rate 3. Übersetze die Worte und schreibe sie in die richtige Lücke. With rickshaw you can goods from to B. magisch Our is in the living room. Spielzeug You can the packaging of apple juice as wallet. wachsen The girl loves to play with her. Zwiebel We should try to reduce the of rubbish. transportieren know lot of tricks. Anfänger You can English with your Word Cards. konsumieren Every year you taller and taller. wiederverwenden Low energy bulbs less electricity. lernen need some minced to make hamburger. vergleichen always cry when chop an . Fernseher the pictures and spot the diferences! Menge At first, he was an absolute . Rindfleisch