Arbeitsblatt: Einführung/Theorie und Übungen zum Passiv


Einführende Theorie zum Passiv inklusive 2 Seiten Übungen zu den verschiedenen Zeiten.
9. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Shackleton (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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The passive: introduction and exercises Verwendung des Passiv: Bei Passivformen steht die Handlung im Vordergrund. In vielen Fällen ist es dabei weniger wichtig wer etwas tut, viel wichtiger ist, was getan wird. Wenn wir trotzdem auf eine handelnde Person verweisen wollen, können wir das mit der Präposition by tun. Alle Zeitformen des Aktivs können auch im Passiv gebildet werden. Die Bildung des Passiv: active: He cleans the window every month. (object) passive: The windows are cleaned every month. (subject) to be particible (3. Kolonne) Zeitformen: simple present: simple past: present perfect: past perfect: willfuture: The window is cleaned every month. The window was cleaned every month. The window has been cleaned every month. The window had been cleaned every month. The window will be cleaned every month. Das Subjekt im Aktiv (hier: „he) wird im Passiv manchmal wegge lassen. Dies gilt generell für Personalpronomen (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). z.B. They have built houses in my neighbourhood. Houses have been built in my neighbourhood. (active) (passive) Falls die Personen mit Namen genannt werden, werden diese mit der Präposition by angefügt. z.B. Bell invented the telephone. (active) The telephone was invented by Harry. (passive) Auch Personen können Objekte sein. z.B. She picked him up at school. He was picked up at school. (active) (passive) A: the simple present 1. He opens the window. The window is opened. 2. They wash the car. 3. She sings song. 4. He doesnt read the book. 5. They dont close the shop. B. the simple past 1. They sang song. song was sung. 2. She bought the ticket. 3. They knew the film. 4. Thomas kept the world record for three years. 5. They drove her home yesterday. C: the present perfect 1. They have changed the title. The title has been changed. 2. He has given up the match. 3. Nobody has seen him for years. 4. They have checked the results. 5. He has never found the treasure. D: the past perfect 1. They had left him alone. He had been left alone. 2. He had seen the shark the week before. 3. She had paid the bill. 4. He had explained the exercise. 5. They had solved the problem. E: the willfuture 1. Our team will win the championship. The championship will be won by our team. 2. They will help her out. 3. They will conquer space one day. 4. They wont take the computer back. 5. He will make mistake. F: mixed tenses 1. She told the truth. 2. They knew the way to the party. 3. She had sold the book the week before. 4. He has cooked dinner. 5. They will probably buy the house. 6. James Watt improved the steam engine. 7. The Vikings won the battle. 8. They wont tell the plans. G: translations 1. Das Automobil wurde von Carl Benz erfunden. 2. Das Buch wurden zurückgenommen. 3. Sie wird morgen von ihrem Bruder abgeholt werden.