Arbeitsblatt: Conditional 1 Übung mit Lösung


Ergänzung zu OW2_U13
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Christine Graf
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Open World – Unit 13 Conditional 1 – Exercises 1. Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. a. Maybe will have enough time tonight. If (have) enough time, (write) letter to my cousin. b. If (buy) car, (drive) to Springfield next month to visit my friend. c. If weather (be) good today, (go) for long walk. d. What would you like to do tonight? If you (want) to go to movie, (go) with you. 2. Underline the correct form. a. If you are you will be late this evening, will not wait for you. b. Will you write to me if give I will give you my address? c. If there is will be fire, the alarm will ring. d. If dont see you tomorrow morning, phone I will phone you in the evening. e. am I will be surprised if Martin and Julia get will get married. 3. Finish the sentences using your own ideas. a. will go to the concert if b. If you dont hurry c. will not go swimming if d. If you go to bed early tonight, e. Tina will not pass her exams if f. If have time tomorrow, g. We will go to the beach tomorrow if h. will call you if