Arbeitsblatt: Songtext zu Family portrait


Anderes Thema
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Cornelia Lüscher

Land: andere Länder
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Family Portrait Pink 2001 Uh, uh, some deep shit, uh, uh Momma(bitte) stop crying, cant stand the sound. Your pain is painful and its tearing me down.(höre) (Gläser) breaking as sit up in my (Bett). told dad you didnt mean those nasty things you said. You fight about money, about me and my(Bruder). And this come home to, this is my shelter. It aint easy growing up in World War III never knowing what(Liebe) could be, youll see dont want love to destroy me like it has done my (Familie). Can we work it out? Can we be(Familie)? promise Ill be better. Mommy Ill do anything. Can we work it out? Can we be (Familie)? promise Ill be better. Daddy please dont (weggehen). Daddy please stop yelling, cant stand the sound. Make mama stop crying, (be)cause need you around. My mama she loves you, no matter what she says its true. know that she hurts you, but remember(Ich liebe dich), too. ran away(heute), ran from the noise, ran away. Dont wanna go back to that place, but dont have no choice, no way. It aint easy growing up in World War III never knowing what love could be. Well Ive seen dont want love to destroy me like it did my family. Can we work it out? Can we be family? promise Ill be better. Mommy Ill do anything. Can we work it out? Can we be family? promise Ill be better. Daddy please dont leave. In our family portrait we look pretty(glücklich). Lets play pretend, act like it goes naturally. dont wanna have to split the(Ferien). dont want two addresses. dont want step-brother anyways and dont want my mom to have to (wechseln) her last name. In our family portrait we look pretty(glücklich). We look pretty normal, lets go back to that. In our family portrait we look pretty (glücklich). Lets play pretend, act like it goes naturally.