Arbeitsblatt: Lückentext


Non Stop English 1 - Unit 20 - Exercise 1a
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Samuel Hanselmann
Staatstr. 131
9463 Oberriet
071 761 01 15
079 681 41 46
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 20 – Ex. 1a Colin and Donna live in Nottingham — about 200 kilometres of London. Colin got new job at Gatwick Airport, looking for new flat — nearer to the south of London. So, They dont want to buy house because they both work and they got time to look after Colin would like to live in London, but Donna wants to live in Brighton it by the sea. Shed like to find job in school. Colin: But Donna, the airport is London than Brighton — and there train every 15 minutes from Victoria. Donna: Yes, know — but there are trains from Brighton to Gatwick, too. Let go to Brighton next and have look. You dont know Brighton! Colin: Well, know Id like to live in London. It,more and more than Brighton . you can do everything there. Donna: Yes, you can — but it also very expensive city, lot more than Brighton. We arent than London and . Brighton smaller and Colin: not in the summer when all the come Donna: Oh, it always quieter than London — the tourists go to London too, all year I think the most question for us is — and Brighton is cheaper than London, lot cheaper. Colin: Okay, let go to Brighton next weekend and . Donna: . oh good . you know, Im Brighton is the place for us.