Arbeitsblatt: Telling a story
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9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Sarah Iten
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
character Name: Tom Black Age: 62 Job: gardener Yesterday when was digging cucumber out, there was something strange in the dirt. Name: Miss Sunshine Age: 78 Job: pensioner (Rentnerin) Miss Sunshin was such happy person until she had strange meeting with Mr. Adams, her ex-lover. Name: Lily Sole Age: 8 Job: Student in the second primary class. Lily came home from her school and shouted hello to her mom, but nothing came back. Name: Kevin Spook Age: 15 Job: Student in the third secondary class. He overslept and came too late to school, but when he arrived in his classroom there was just his teacher with sad face Name: Ryan Crush Age: 37 Job: banker prepared everything perfectly in my office to ask my girlfriend if she wants to marry me, but then Name: Marry Age: 42 Job: houswife was cleaning the house, when heard some strange noises from the cellar