Arbeitsblatt: Young World 4 - Unit 3


YW 4 - Unit 3: Hörtext, past simle, translate words
Gemischte Themen
6. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Smileme smily1
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Young World 4 Unit 3 Exercise 1: Du hörst einen Hörtext über die Anfänge der Raumfahrt. Kreuze bei jeder Nummer die richtige Aussage an. 1 In October 1957 the Russians sent the first a) man into space. b) satellite into space. c) dog into space. d) spaceship into space. 6) month later, the Russians surprised the world again a) with the first landing on the moon. b) with new satellite that carried person. c) with new stallite that carried an anmimal. d) with an even faster satellite. 2) satellite is an object that a) circles planet. b) travels to the moon. c) transports astronauts. d) travels to the sun. 7) Laika a) was the name of the first person to travel in space b) was the name of the second Russian satellite c) was the name of famous cosmonaut. d) was the name of the first animal to travel in space. 3) Sputnik travelled around the earth in a) 19 minutes. b) 9 minutes. c) 90 minutes. d) 99 minutes. 8) But Laika a) died during this space trip. b) survived this space trip. c) did not become famous after this space trip. d) liked this space trip. 4) For the Americans a) Sputnik was an absolute sensation. b) Sputnik was triumph for mankind. c) Sputnik wasnt fast. d) Sputnik was shock. 9) In the years that followed a) one dog was sent on space trip. b) more dogs were sent on space trips. c) no dogs were sent on space trips. d) different birds were sent on space trips. 5) The Americans were afraid that a) the Russians had better cosmonauts. b) the Russians could be the first on the moon. c) the Russians had better spaceships. d) the Russians could be the first on Mars. 10) Animals a) never survived in space. b) were the first to travel to the moon. c) had stronger heart beats than people. d) made trips to the moon possible. Exercise 2: Setze folgende Sätze ins Past simple. Last winter it was cold and it (rain) lot. One day, black car (stop) in front of our house. Two men (get) out and (walk) to our house. (open) the door. They (want) to talk to my mother. (call) my mother and (climb) up the stairs to my bedroom and stayed there. Twenty minutes later (watch) the men leaving our house. They (start) the card and (drive) away. My mother (knock) , (walk) into my room and (close) the door behind her. (jump) out of my bed and (ask) her what the men (have) (tell) her. My mother (look) at me with tears in her eyes. (hate) to see her crying. But suddenly she (smile) and (tell) me, that we (win) big prize in the lottery. Exercise 3: Gib die folgenden Verben im Past simple an. bought be say become like smile answer stop go do write fall forgave felt found ask clean travel walk talk speak Exercise 4: Fülle die notwendigen Wörter in die Lücken ein. Pay attention if you fill in verb Which time do you need? Present or past simple? The of New Zealand happened in 1769. If pirates came on ship, they look all the gold and set fire to the ship and it down. Today everyone can and see what is going on in other countries. On 1 august hav got my birthday and am going to make big party. So would like to you to my birthday party. servant hast to before we can eat the dinner in the. dining room, watch television, invite, discovery, lay the table, burn Exercise 5: Translate the words. Viele Grüsse von Schreibweise sunset Möbel terribly Aussenseite hope beten untergehen das Loch