Arbeitsblatt: NI2 L1; likes-dislikes
Mündliche Übung zu likes-dislikes
7. Schuljahr
4 Seiten
libelle (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
LIKES AND DISLIKES Review the expressions by writing them on the board in scale of intensity. hate dont like like love Suggest two similar activities, such watching TV and listening to the radio. like watching TV but dont like listening to the radio. Divide two different activities to each student and let them speak about likes and dislikes in small groups (3 to 4 people) or students go around the classroom and ask each other (Do you like?/ Why? What about you?). Ask few students to present. compute films games cats dogs cooking eating watching playing sport going to the cinema clothes shoppin opera washing driving giving going to the theatre shoppin for food musicals ironing being passeng er getting presents going to bed early e-mails Maths German English presents getting up early letters French History Geograp hy Science sport art handicra drawing music hiking meeting friends singing ft biking learning cleaning doing homewo rk