Arbeitsblatt: LZK Unit 2 New world 2


LZK Unit 2 New world 2
Gemischte Themen
6. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Bettina Villa
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Name: English Exam 1. Name these pieces of sports equipment in English 4P Its. its for. Its, Its for. Its, its for. Its, its Draw picture of piece of sport equipment and write sentence. for. 2. Write down the names of four activities for each category. 4P activities on land activities on water or in the air 3. Write down plan for Wednesday or Thursday with the given activities for good and bad weather. (Use: going to . if the weather is . 6P (1P für die richtige Verbform, 1P für korrekten Satz inkl. Rechtschreibung 1P) Wednesday In the morning before lunch play minigolf walk to the gorge In the afternoon after lunch bungee jumping indoor pool After dinner in the evening tobogganing visit the library Thursday visit the rope park take cable car have picnic visit the museum kayaking play table tennis 4. Translate these instructions. 5P links abbiegen rechts abbiegen geradeaus gehen vorbei gehen überqueren 5. Describe the way from the souvenir shop to the post office 2P 6. Complete these sentences in past simple or future. 3P Yesterday Ivo (visit) museum. Last week we (play) football. Next week they (visit) farm. Tomorrow Sven and Eva (play) table tennis. Next week (have) picnic. This afternoon Whymper (climb) the Matterhorn. 7. Write two sentences about your last weekend in simple past. 2P 8. Write two sentences about your next weekend in future. 2P 9. Translate these words. 3P berühmtes Reiseziel Touristenattraktio Navigationshilfe das Seil reisst Nachmittag Postkarte Note: 31P Unterschrift der Eltern: