Arbeitsblatt: useful expressions presentation animal


nützliche Ausdrücke für einen Vortrag über ein Tier im Englisch z.B. für YW 3, Unit 4, Fascinating Animals
Gemischte Themen
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Bettina Wagner
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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USEFUL EXPRESSIONS FOR YOUR PRESENTATION ABOUT AN ANIMAL characteristics (Steckbrief; z.B. Name, Grösse etc.) name family (cats, dogs) classification (mammal, bird, amphibian, reptile, insect) breed size length weight wingspan age speed The animal is Its name is. It is a/an They are (intelligent, big, small, heavy .) animal(s). appearance (Aussehen) It looks like. (a beaver and duck together, ) These animals are have can . The This animal is (brown, black and white, small, big, ) The This animal can (fly, run very fast, crawl, make loud noises ) The This animal has (wings, feathers, tail, eight legs, big ears, small eyes, long snout, long orange beak, many spots, paws, ) Its fur is has (soft, hard, long, short, ) (black spots, colorful stripes) It has scales . The scales are . The .s coat is . do not have . (lungs) food, nutrition (Nahrung) The . eats . (plants, meat, worms, insects.) The animal is eating . (nuts, grass, mice, ) Its food is You can feed . They like lot of food such as (fruits, worms, grasses, snakes, ). way of life (Lebensweise; z.B. lebt in Gruppen) It lives (in social groups, alone,) It can . They can (see everywhere around them, hear higher and lower sounds, ) It likes It doesnt like They like They dont like It makes (its nest on , ) They make (about 20 different calls, ) It is (lying, sitting, crawling, making,.) (in the nest, on the ground, on the tree, in the air,) It is good at . (climbing, running fast, ) They fly south to spend the winter in (Africa, ) They have (special ways of greeting each other, ) They communicate by use (their mouth like we use our hands, ) are good (swimmers, hunters, climbers ). They are active during the night. They are sleeping during the day. They hunt by night. habitat (Lebensraum) They come from (Africa, India, ) . live in (America, Europe, warm territories, ) The . lives in . (the forest, the jungle, the rain forest, in the desert, in cold territories, cage, the barn, the stable, in the grass, in the sea/ocean ) They like . (cold weather, warm climate, ). enemies (Feinde) The enemies are (foxes, humans). reproduction (Fortpflanzung) The male female They lay (eight eggs) Important sentences for your presentation Welcome to my presentation about hope you will enjoy it. That was my presentation about Thank you for your attention.