Arbeitsblatt: LZK New World 2 Unit 2 The Alps
Prüfung mit Aufgaben zur Grammatik, Wegbeschreibung und Text verfassen. Die Karte aus dem Arbeitsheft wird als Kopie den Schülern zur Verfügung gestellt.
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Pädagogin (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Lernkontrolle Englisch 6.Klasse Unit 2 – The Alps Name: Punkte:_ Note: Its. Its for. Its Its for. Its Its for. Its. Its for. Draw picture of piece of sports equipment and write sentence. 1. Name these pieces of sports equipment in English 2. for What are you going to do? Tell me about your plans the Easter break. What are you going to do, if the weather is nice? What are you going to do, if the weather is bad? Write 3 sentences. Use the going to-form. 3. Some verbs are missing. Fill the correct form (past tense) in the gap. LOST IN THE SWISS MOUNTAINS got up at ten oclock in the morning, (pack) an apple and sandwich in my rucksack and (have) my breakfast. The sun (is) shining when left the Grand Hotel in shorts, T-shirt and trainers. (go) to the cable car station. took the cable car to the top of mountain. First (walk) over grass, then over rocks. At four oclock sat down and ate the sandwich and the apple. That (is) when black clouds (cover) the sun an the rain 4. Which way? a) b) Describe the two routes. Always start at the STATION/TOURIST OFFICE. Find the destination of the third route. Look at the map. Destination Chair lift Route Airport Go straight ahead. Turn left. At the LAKE: turn right. Straight ahead along the LAKE to the SWIMMING POOL. At the SWIMMING POOL go round bend and turn right at the next crossing.