Arbeitsblatt: Get to know each other!


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Gemischte Themen
1 Seiten




Nadine Lustenberger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Get to know each other Partnerarbeit: Ein Schüler erhält das Blatt ‚student A, der andere das Blatt ‚student B. Jeder Schüler erhält zudem ein ‚answer sheet. Alle Schüler bekommen 5 Minuten Zeit, um ihre Antworten zu den verlangten Punkten auf das answer sheet zu schreiben. Anschliessend legen beide ihre Antworten offen auf das Pult. Durch fragen müssen die Schüler nun herausfinden, was die jeweiligen Zahlen des Partners zu bedeuten haben. Der gefragte gibt jeweils eine ‚short answer. Eg: Student B: „Were you born in 2003? Student A: „No, wasnt Für schwache Schüler kann das Blatt ‚questions and answers that might help aufgelegt werden. Student 1. Write down the year in which you went abroad (to another country) for the first time. 2. Write down the name of the city you last visited. 3. Write down the year in which you were very happy. 4. Write down the name of the city in which you were born. 5. Write down the name of primary school teacher you liked. 6. Write down the name of stuffed animal (Plüschtier) you had as baby. 7. Write down the name of your favourite TV show when you were in primary school. Student 1. Write down the name of the country you last went to. 2. Write down the name of your best friend when you were little kid. 3. Write down your favourite movie as kid. 4. Write down the name of the street you lived in as baby. 5. Write down the name of your kindergarten teacher. 6. Write down hobby you had when you were little. 7. Write down the year in which you were born. Answer sheet 1. 2. 7. 5. 3. 4. 6. Questions and answers that might help. Were you born in (1999)? No, wasnt Yes, was. Were you born in (Lucerne)? No, wasnt. Yes, was. Did you grow up in (Küssnacht)? No, didnt. Yes, did. Did you go to (France) (last summer)? No, didnt. Yes, did. Did you go to (Germany) in (2013)? No, didnt. Yes, did. Were you in another country in (2004)? No, wasnt. Yes, was. Was (Mr.Yellow) your favourite primary school teacher? No, he wasnt. Yes, he was. Was (Ms.Green) your kindergarten teacher? No, she wasnt. Yes, she was. Did you have pet named (Fluffy)? No, didnt. Yes, did. Was (Teletubbies) your favourite TV show when you were kid? No, they werent. Yes, they were. Was (Max) your best friend when you were little? No, he wasnt. Yes, he was. Did you like to (play in sandbox) when you were baby? No, didnt. Yes, did.