Arbeitsblatt: do/does
Test zum Grammatikthema do/does
Vocabulary Unit 6
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Christina Fehr
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
English name: vocabulary do,dont does, doesnt points: 31.05.16 mark: 1. VOCABULARY verscheuchen jm. die Hand geben hiss in der Nähe sein grumpy Musiker flüstern Karton /8 2. SENTENCES (Fill in the gaps) 1. Water rhythmically. 2. Mozart is very famous . 3. When you dont want to speak loud you. 4. To protect your mobile, you put around it. /8 3. DO/DONT – DOES DOESNT (Fill in the gaps) 1. My mother likes chocolate, but she like biscuits. 2. What the children wear at your school? 3. Lynns father watches badminton on TV, but he watch judo. 4. Where the Mansons buy their fruit? 1 English vocabulary do,dont does, doesnt 31.05.16 5. the cat like to sleep on the sofa? 6. Dogs love bones, but they love cheese. 7. Where Sam and Ben hide their Cds? 8. We eat pizza, but we eat hamburgers. 9. Mrs Miller read magazines? 10. the boys play cricket outside? 10 2