Arbeitsblatt: presentation future job


Vortrag über den gewählten Beruf inkl. Marking
Anderes Thema
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Tela (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Presentation: my future job Prepare short presentation about your future job apprenticeship. It should be funny, witty and interesting! Topics: your apprenticeship (check online for the proper job title) daily tasks of your job (use specific vocabulary here) your employer (size, products, history, ) why you have chosen this job ups and downs in this job where you want to be professionally in five and twenty years Guidelines: work form: alone about 3 – 6 minutes Free speaking: only short notes are allowed, words and no sentences you can bring slideshow, pictures or other illustrative material objects the presentation will be after the Ascension holidays (starting on 17 May 2016) in reversed alphabetical order by first names grading: duration fluency pronunciation presentation content creativity 3m, 25/04/16