Arbeitsblatt: English Plus 3 - Starter Unit EX


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8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Andreas Manetsch
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English – adjectives present tenses Name: Klasse: erreichte Pkt: 2Aa August 2016 20 Note: KlassenØ: Vocabulary 1. Translate the following sentences! a) Ich schlief um 11 Uhr ein. b) Wir frühstücken um 7 Uhr. c) Das Haus ist schmutzig. d) Die Geschichte ist aufregend. e) Das Spiel ist langweilig. f) Er fuhr mit dem Bus zur Schule. 2. Find and correct the mistakes. a) Plastic is very cheep. b) These animals are very pauerful. c) This pen is useles because it doesnt work. d) Mosquitoes are very comon insects. Adjectives 1. Find and correct the mistakes! (max. 2 mistakes in sentence) a) bear is more dangeros as cat. b) This movie is as boringer as the other movie. c) The red coat is most expensive than the blue one. d) Eating too many sweets is unhealthier. e) She makes her homework every day. f) Billy isnt heavyer than Paul. g) The lion is powerfull animal. h) The badest mark was 34. Present tenses 1. Welches der kursiv gedrucken Verformen ist richtig? a) We discuss are discussing the problem right now. Markiere die RICHTIGE Verform! b) Look! Carmen plays are playing is playing with Susan. c) Peter always sing sings is singing are singing while he is having bath. d) Mary loves is loving are loving chocolate, and she eats some every day. 2. Setze die in Klammern stehenden Verben entweder im Present Simple 2de rim Present Continuous in die Lücken ein. a) Andy sometimes comics. (read) b) We never_ TV in the morning. (watch) c) Listen! Sandy in the bathroom. (not sing) d) My sister usually in the kitchen. (help) e) My mother_ breakfast now. (not make) f) They often the bathroom. (clean) g) Look! The boys home. (come) h) Every day his grandfather for walk. (not go) i) with my friend at the moment. (chat) j) Mary and Joe in clothes shop at the moment. (be) 3. Schreibe die gegebenen Sätze in positive, negative oder fragenden Form. : Does he eat rice every day? : : Im working at the moment. He isnt playing golf right now. : : They study every night. 4. Finde und verbessere die Fehler. (pro Satz hat es maximal einen Fehler. Sollte der Satz richtig geschrieben sein, mache ein Häkchen hinter den Satz.) a) b) c) d) e) Do you working late usually? always work on Saturdays, but this Saturday Im not working. Do he often come to London? The kids are very loud. They do playing soccer in the garden. Are you have wireless network in your office?