Arbeitsblatt: immunologie


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lmmunologyI Exam:University ofBern, 3.7.2006 StLrd,enflchlung Punkte. vonTotal95 Eachquestionis 1 point and hasone answer(crosscorrespondinglette4. If none, two, or more letters are crosse4 the answer will be wrong Good uckl 1. Which ofthe following does nol protectlhe external a) Skn c) Gastic acld ) a a ya n a e e) Glt croflora 2. polymorphonucl€arneutrophil (PlvlN)l a bonemarfowsiernce ls closelys milafto mast cel o l an m c o i i a c l p acsgmr n !e ls nol pfofessionaphagocy,iic ce Has granuleswhichstainwilh eos 3. o y o p hd f n i s r : a) b) c) Enzymes o) Prof Bedal\,4Stader 8. a) b) c) d) e) EdwardJennervaccinatedagainstsrnallpoxusing: Kiledsrnalpox virus fecombnaniproteinderivedfromsma pox An unreatedvrrus Toxod Cowpox parasiteswithin macrophages 9 Intracellular are killedmo.efeady In thepresence of: b) Kinrns. d) Gammarnterieron 10.Clonalselectionoccurswhena B-lymphocyte a) Cy,toklnes. b) Antigen d) conrpiemeni e) Chemoiacl cfactofs a) b) c) d) e) h i i i l o p e e nct m o e ta t v t db complemenlfixing antibodies is: c1q. C1s c3b Csa C9 5. a) b) c) e e a o t ec m l m n ct m o e t sa e Glycolipds Ce sudacemoiec! es of lymphocytes Enzymes 6. Specific antibodies are readily detectable in searn following primary contact with antigenl b) c) d) e) Withn1 hoLJf By 5-7 days After3-5 weeks. On atiera secondcontactwth aniigen. 11.Thesecondary,but not the primary,immune responseis basedon: a) lvlemory b) Thebonusefieclof multivaency. c) Complement actjvatioi. d) Mastce degran!ation 12.Thecomplementari9determiningregionsl a) Areresiflcted lo lightchans paftofihe r.oecute b) Are /r theconstant c) Bindto Fc feceptors d) Afe cofcernedn antgenrecognriiof e) Occurat theCierrnna endof the lg peptde chans 13.Whichofthe followinggeneclustersdo NOT contributeto antigenbjnding: a) L b) L vtl d) e) 7. Adoptive transfer ofacquired immune responsivenessinvolves the transfer of: ) Cornplemenl. c) Serurn m u o gl y ä m1 6 14.whichof the followingstaternents doesnot apply to lgG?: a) Appeaßearlyrnthe mrnuneresponse 2 2 T eT c l lr c p o rf r n i e ni l a) Derivedfronithe r.muncgobu gene pool by alterfatve splicing c) Canflxcompement d) Crossestirehurnanpacenla e) Opsonizes bacte.ia ) s n ge h an o c l . 15.lgM: a) ls usuallyoi highaiin ty b) ls telrameic c) Nomayadoplsacrab keconfguration es e) ls thernaincassofthe natufalanUbod 16.IgD: b) c) e) ls resstantto proleoylicdegradaton receplor on B-cells presentmalnlyas sLrrface prarar drrh.-rsLaleq-e-L)_/elonas abundani ln k 17.lgE: a) abundant ln sa va b) Bindsstrongly to rnasicels c) Cannotb nd to rnacrophages cascade d) Actvates lhecompement roleriwormnfesiaiions e) Hasaninsgniic€nt 18.A givenlg isotypeis: bya c genes a) heavychainvaraniencoded b) aigi cl_;.r.orsar_Fgia_ codedbya ge-es re! on eprtopes c) colecUon of hyperuarrab€ recognized by an annidiotype 2 3 T eT c l lr c p o ra t g nr c g i i ns g a li a) The TCR alphacha b) The TCR betachain. c) cDl d) cD2 e) cD3 isl 24.SomatichyPermutätion Joundn bothg andT-ceI recepiorgenes a) Commonly fegion b) Resfictedto theconslant to thehypervaiable regions. c) Restflcied d) Foufdonlyin hea!ry chains e) Fourdonlyin varablercgions antigenepitopeis: 25.Adiscontinuous determ nant a) Anantgenrc c) Defjnedby itsproteinstrLrciurc ) o - e db a o L - u ( r o o d eq o e r e e) Prodlced by non-adjacent arninoacid resdues 26.Which of the following statements is incorrect? a) measureoithe sifenglhof the brndifg of antigenio b) The assocaton constanlof the Ag/Ab equ lrbr!rn 19.Themainlg in theseromucus secretions defending the externalbodysurfacesis: a) lgG b) lgD c) lgE d) lg[4 e) rgA 20.Thep€rcentage ol humanpe pheral bloodT-6ells bearinga gammadeltaT-cellreceptoris: a) 30-80%. b) 0.5-15% c) 100%. d) 0%. e) Onlypresentd!ringmycobacter al infections. from100V, 21.UsingonlyrandomVOJrecombinätion, 4 and 6 genesegments,the numberof posible variableregionsof an antigenreceptormolecule d) Relatedto the {ree energychangeoithe Ag/Ab e) Relaiedto specficity 27.The antigen moiety on an antigenpf€senting cell recognized by the alpha beta T-cellreceptor isi a) Naliveproten antigenplus majorh slocompatblity compex (NIHC)molecule b) Pfocessed(peptide)antigenp us irlHC c) Processedpeptideantigen ) a v ea t e e) H Ca o e 28.Th€ processing ol cytosolic protein involves: a) Tfanspod nto late endosomes b) Pfoteasome-medlatedcleaväge c) Displacement of invaranichan Ln d) Displacementof beta2-microglob! ) i dn t l e H Cc s l g o v T00 b) 1 1 0 ) 2 404. ) T06 109 29. Superantiqensl a) Do nol caLrsepaihology ) r n rt g nc o B e s c) Bindlo i,lHC classI d) Bindlo nrenrbersofa ven bela Tcel receptor -.ce e/ r1:.e ro oe pro_Fcsedbefoeecogl or b, -e r.rnunoogyI Exam2/6 30,4 B-cellis able to make cell-surfaceand secreted e s o so a t b d yu i g a) Dlfferenlgene pools ) t r a vt s l i g c) Dilferentlreavych€ ciassbLrtthe sanrelightcha d D ä r n ti h c a nc s b t h s m h a y h n e F a ) 2f a m n s 31. Which of the following is NOTa function ofthe monocyte-macrophagecell line? a) Ag presentation to ce b) Secrelonof cJ,,tok nes 3 8 T em j rf n t o so i m n g o u i nas e a) OpsonizaUon b) Neutralizalion c) Actvaiion of Conrpement 3 9 W i ho l e o l w n gi t u o i i t p s a) They iornrthe Ag blndingreglon b) Theyare nol !n qle for eachclone c) They are composedoiconstani dornarns ) h ya c a o t e c o l o no A d) Ag pr€senlaionto cells 32.4 difference betweenspecific and non.specilic immunity is memory. Which ofthe fottowing describes the reature of memory tor specific immunity? a) IncreasedmmiJneresponseon reexposureto Ag b) Recognlzing Ag specicatly c) Tme between1st encounterlng Ag and makng an rrnrn!neresponse 33.Which ofthe following is true of hematopoietic a) b) c) d) e) They are ableto form llre cellsln the btood Theycannoise renew They pfoduceof ymphoc!,ies h yp o ! eo y r n uo y e N n eo t ea o - 34.Which of the following factoß is part of naturator o - P c i icm u i y 4 0 .l m n g o u i n m i sa e a) Buildingblocksfor Ab and cell receptors ) o r o eodf 1 0 0 1 1 0 m f oa r s c) Contajn ntrachaindisulfidebonds d) Bu ng blocksforother moleculeswhichiniefactwth 4 1 A . bi t r c i n s e a e do w i h f h following non-covalentinteractions: a) Elecifostaticforces ) s l i eb n s c) Hydrogenbonding 4 2 .T e i l g c l u c i nost h F r g o no lmmunoglobulin includel a) Aciivatng Complement ) e i a z nAgg c) Opsonizatlon b) [Iacrophages 43.Which ofthe following effeclor functions iE 35.4 characteristicof specilic immunity is? mediatedby lgA? Actrvaton oiComplenrent Ag neulrazalDnon rnembranes c) Sensltization of mastcells d) d) Lackoispecificity 36.lf an epitope is protein, it is an epitope specifically recognizable by which type(s) of cell. a) Bce b) lrlacrophages 37. The basic monom€r structure of an lg motecute contains whjch of the following? Heavychains(n4o) ) Lrghtchain(one) ) nge regon e) 44.WhichcellsexpressClassll MHC(HLA)molecules? a) Llacrophages b) Bces c) Dendrtccells 45.4 hybridoma is produced andthe immunoglobulin beingsecreledby this cell is characterizecl by the scientist.Theresearcher findsthatwhilethe ag bindingportionof thesecreted immunoglobulin r€mainedconstant,the heavychainsproduced included lgM,lgDandlgc. possible explanation for the differencesin heavychainsobserved a) Somaticrecombinairan b) temateRNAprocessing m r n l glyE a l 6 46.Inisotype switching, whentheDNAolthe chains is re.ranged,whichofthe followingis true: aJ the DNAin between therecombnationsrtesls ost b) theDNAcango back1otsgefmneiomalon 47.Oiversityofan lg repertoireis obtainedthrough whichof the followingmechänisms? a) Sornaticrecornbinaton b) Somatrc mutaton cl Addlon of andP nucleotdes 48.Which ofthefollowingis trueconcerning theMHC complexin humans? €) is poynrorphlc b) thereareclasslandcassll MHCmoecules c) ihefeareihreed tfereitproteins foundlf eachclass d) express on oithe IMHCcompexs codor.inant 49.Which olthe followingis trueaboutthethymus? a) rsa primary lymphoid organ b) il is tlresileof maturaton oi cells c) cels whch wo! feactlo seltAgareeliminated duflng deveopment ths organ 50.Frequently, the inability of T celltorecognize and/ornotnake an immuneresponse toelf,will c) developmenl oia TcR d) developrnent oi CD3 51.Diversityofan TCRrepetoireis obtainedthrough whichof the followingmechanisms? a) somaicrecombrnalion b) junctonald versty 52.Thefunctions ofthe effectorTcellsinclude a) Cy,totoxrcfy for rallyiniectedcells b) Ad ng ce €cUvation c) Activaionof rnacrophages aganst ntraceula palirogens 53.Cytokinescan be usedforwhich of the lollowing? a) Activaton ofthecellwhch produced it b) Aclivatonof oilrercells c) Inlrbilion ofothercels e) NONEofiheabove 54.Lymphocytecirculationintothe lymphnodes involveswhich of the followingstructures? ä) efie.entymphalics c) hgh endothe venues 55.Products ofthe immunoglobulin supergene faüily a) b) c) d) lgG cD4 TCR [,4HC cass] 56.Functionsof the lg superfamilyofmolecutes b) Ag recogftion c) Ce adheson d) co eceptorfunction 57.Duringthe maturationof B cell,it is importent that the cellhaveproductivereanangement of both an chainvariableregionand an chajnvariabte region.This rearrangement is importantbecause the cel becornesa sef-feactrvece b) ) h c l w b c m ea c l ) h c l w b c m ea e g c 5 8 .D r n gT e l a u a i nh, l sd v l pi t e repetoire ofT ceiland cell receptors because these cells would respond to selfwith an immune response (for example HLA with Ag - HLA AX). Occasionallyan antigen derived mrcroorganismwould be identicalto this MHc.self o e u e I. t i i 6 a c ew h c ho t e o l w n a) b) c) d) the hostwou makean ncreasedimmuneresponse h h s w m k e€ a l m u er s o s ttre host noi make an lrnrnuneresponse h eh s t makeonyAb 5 9 W i ho t e o l w n gi t u € ä o tT e l ) o n eo t e b n dp p d eA b u dt M C ) h ym yb m d eu o a 0 h i s c) they may be made Lrpoi.i /d chalns d) they contan varäb reg ons 60.Autocrine activation by cylokines is: a) activalon of the cellwh ch secretedthe cy,lokine b) act vationoi nearbyce to that which secreiedlhe c) actväiion ofce ai greatd stancefrom lhal wh ch secretedthe cy,tokfe d) of the above e) noneof the above lmmunoogy Exarn 4/6 6 1 W i ho t e o l w n gi a h r c e i t iocr function ofän €lfector cell? e) rnacrophageactivatof b) cellacivatof 6 9 W i ho t e o l w n gc l si i mp n an f r n a e r o - P c f iicm u i y 52.lL-4 is necessaryfor activation ol cells, which of the following is true concerning lL-4? a) il is producedby Th2 ceils b) stimulateslhe produclionofTh2 ce c) s necessaryior proiferatronof cels 70.Cells which have finger-like projections and are e p n i l f r h ec l e t o np, o e s n ga d presentationofantigen in lhe lymph node are b) Bces a) cells b) [-4acrophages c) Dendriticcells 5 3 -l m n l g cm m r ym y e b e v di : a) cells c) cells 64. Which ofthe following is true of lgc? a) rl is the maiorAb ilre bood by concentmtion b) il is ebe to aci as an opsonn and actvate c) crossesthe placenta ) c f e s l zN K e s o l o eg A 6 5 W i ho t e o l w n gi t u o c t tm d a e a) it is re€r.r ated by cels b) Th1 cels rnaybe lnvolvedI macrophageaclivation c) Tc efiectorce rnaybe an impodantcomponentofthe d) cy,toknes are usedto communcatebenvee cetls durfglne response 66. Which ol the following is true of lgc? a) it is ableto actvaied boilr ard phagocytosis b) it is ablelo hep regliate cet responses 67. Releaseof histamine from mast cetts is mediated y i d n go s e i i cA . a tc l sb n dA through lgEwhich is bound to the mast cetts by: 7 1 T eb o o i a f n t o nosf h F r g o no i m n g o u iinn l d : a) BndngAg ) c v t gi n t ei m f1 c a t v ant N Kc l 7 2 W i ho t e o l w n gi t u o a K e l a) it is abe 10blnd Ag specrfca b) it has FcrR on t surfacefor nd ng Ab whicirhas 0 n dA c I a m f s n gy p o y e ) s o a e o l t r e tc l s 73. Innate immune r€sponses: a) cai be algmenied by Th1 ce b) can be augrnentedbyAb c) can be fectedlo ceftan targeisby Ab d) act in concefiwth specfc imrnuneresponses 74. TNF-d is responsiblefor: a) actvalon oi tlre acuie phasereaction the liv€r b) increasng the tickfess of vasculaI endothetial ss!e c) icreas fg bodytemperature ) ng a o no d n r cc s o h y f h o e 75.lLl is cytokine which is highly pleotropic. lt activities includel a) actrvaton of the acutephasereacton tn tlre ver b) increasng llre stickjnessofvascLrlar endoihela trssle c) ncreasngbodyternperalure 68.Which of the following are not chäräcteristicof inflammation or an inflafi matory response? a) pan c) swellns ) a c hn ( ! n g h eo p e e a a e h r ä t r sonfc f a m t n lmrnuno/ogy iEiarn5/6 7 6 I n t ei m n t yi n n p c f ch, w v ri i t r c s with specific immunit during the immune response. At which ofthe following stages of an immune response do specific and non-specific components interacl? a) for generatng immufe fesponses b) for clearrngnfeclionswh ch havepersrstedwlh only nfarnnraloryresponses c) Il protectngthe host trom reinfectonwiih extracelular will resultin: 82.lnhibition of celltunction a) ackof I speciilcmmuneresponses b) ackof nlhebood c) lnability lo naclvateC 7 7 C 4 T 1 e l sc n i e ta d o t o d l y dt p hypersensitivityviai a) producuonof cyloknes.such€s TNF-lland FN-i b) produtonof cy,totoxrns and perforins c) inhibtion of macrophageaclvat of ) c v t no m s tc l 84.Pathogenscan avoidhost defensemechanisms throughl 78. Both bacteriaand viruses have the ability to be h c ho t e o l w n gi i l a e l l apr t o e sW r e o c r i gt e m u er s o s et i t a e l l aor g n s s a) Ab is effectvefor clearngoutthe nieclion b) Th1 and Tc eäectorcellsare requiredfor recovery depefd fg on the lype of nieclion c) on innateimmuneresponsesare fecessary d) Th2 effectorcels enhancecear ng ofthe organrsms is requiredeachyearfor influenza 8S.Vaccination 79. currently, treatment fo. allergiestargets the mast cells and histamine receptors on target cells and organs. In the future il is likely that lgE will be lhe target oftherepy. This change in target may be erplained by the fact that: a) by lafgetinglgE we are rnhiblirng the processbefore n s ct l d g a naut n b) by targetinglgE we are preventrnghistamne irom ndingto is larget 0 T a s l n tasr n v rr j c e di t e o o a d a) b) c) d) e) d n c aa a g n s( l e i c l n ) d n c aa c s [ 4 Cm e u e idefUca at cass [4HC moecules d f i a ab o hc a sl n c s l l l Cm e ! s O Eo t e b v 8 1 .F i u eo h s i m n er s o s sc n e u t ; a) actrv ies or pfopertiesoi pathogens b) gefletc mrn! nodeficlences c) deveiopmental abnormaldies d) specificlniecliousagents 83.HlVdamages the immune systemby: a) p€thogen rectedetrecls b) hostmedaleddamageoilhe imm!nesystern b) nrolecu ar mimrcry rnthephagoiysosorne c) evadingdestrLrclon 0) rnmunosuppressron a) thev rusundergoes antgen shifi c) thevrus undergoes antrgen drift 86.lnfection withHIVresultsinl a) lossof CD4T cells b) iossof CD8T cells c) lossof lymphodprogenitor cells d) lossoi cels ST.Symptoms ofallergicasthmaareättributableto: a) gEbindlng to mastcells b) Mastcelldegranuiat on c) defecisin ce rnedatedimmunity d) Falureto irhlbtC aciivatjon 88.Allograftrejectionoccurswhena hoständ graft a) dentcaai lthegenes b) differin genesatthe [4HClocls c) frorndenticatw ns graftrejectionoccurswhen; 89.Hyperacute a) thedonofhasmadean rnmunefesponse ag€instlhe b) tlrehostmakesan immuneresponse lo newygrafted ab rgäirsrfe dledlssJe c) fe fosl aspefoaed d) thehostmakesa lowleve mmuneresponse to grafi Congratulation! You did it. lmmunology Exam6/6