Arbeitsblatt: Stanley Yelnats-Charakterisierung


AB zum Einstieg in die Charakterisierung vom Protagonisten des Romans "Holes" durch Zitate aus dem Roman
Lesen / Literatur
11. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Tina Roth

Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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11a Stanley and how the others see him Yo, Caveman, my man! [] Make room for the caveman. L. Sachar „Holes Whatd the Warden say? Whatd you tell her? told her stole the seeds, said Stanley. Say, listen, said If you find something else, give it to me, okay? You didnt steal the sunflower seeds, he said. [] You didnt steal the sneakers, he said. You dont want to mess with the Caveman, he warned. The Cavemans cool, [] The white boy sits around while the black boy does all the work. Aint that right, Caveman? Nobody believed him. Sweet Feet? [] Yeah, right! No way, Youre not in the Girls Scouts anymore,