Arbeitsblatt: Mistakes - bis/ small letters
Gross- und Kleinschreibung
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Jasmin Oberli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Can you find all the mistakes? Choose, whether you write each word with big or small letter. Rewrite your solution in the notebook. 1 go home late. 2 is he drinking this water? 3 what am doing next monday morning? 4 we flew to paris with german plane. 5 is prince harry member of the royal family? 6 germany is in the north. 7 the river aare is the only river know. 8 this dog is cute, he has no problems with other dogs. Can you find all the mistakes? Choose, whether you write each word with big or small letter. Rewrite your solution in the notebook. 1 go home late. 2 is he drinking this water? 3 what am doing next monday morning? 4 we flew to paris with german plane. 5 is prince harry member of the royal family? 6 germany is in the north. 7 the river aare is the only river know. 8 this dog is cute, he has no problems with other dogs.