Arbeitsblatt: irregular verbs
Die Einordnung der unregelmäßigen Verben in diese Systhematik dient den Schülern als Lernhilfe der unregelmäßigen Verben.
1 Seiten
Anke Jauss
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Lernhilfe irregular verbs chicken verbs cat verbs (alle drei Formen sind gleich) to put to cost to cut to hit to hurt to let to read put cost cut hit hurt let read put cost cut hit hurt let read echo verbs got sat won had found held made spelt (spelled) learnt (learned) (2. Form a, 3. Form u) to begin to drink to ring to swim to sing began drank rang swam sang begun drunk rung swum sung to run ran run sandwich verbs (2. und 3. Form sind gleich) to get to sit to win to have to find to hold to make to spell to learn to to to to bring to buy to bend m-i-au got sat won had found held made spelt (spelled) learnt (learned) (1. Und 3. Form sind gleich) to come to to to to to came come 2.Form ew, 3. Form own brought bought bent brought bought bent to know to to to to to knew known to to to to cat- verbs Katzen machen I U swIm swAm swUm, CAT VERBS (mIAU: ring, rang, rung) chicken- verbs put,put,put alle Formen gleich: put,put, put) SANDWICH VERBS(1. und 3. Form gleich: come, came, come) ECHO VERBS (2. und 3. Form gleich: bring, brought, brought) LOST LETTER VERBS meet, met, met)